Alcoholism is a problem that afflicts many people around the world. Unwittingly, you yourself may have an addiction to alcohol. People often misjudge what is an appropriate amount to drink. People who categorize themselves merely as social drinkers may in fact be heavy drinkers. People who think that perhaps they drink a little too much are in fact alcoholics. Part of this may be an unwillingness to admit to oneself how much they are drinking, but part of it is pure misconception.

A surefire symptom of alcoholism is frequent intoxication. When I say frequent I mean every day, maybe every other day. Other symptoms include blackout drinking, drinking in high risk situations -- such as driving --, or having a frequent craving for alcohol. Something that sets alcoholics apart from alcohol abusers, however, is there willingness to continue drinking despite knowledge of the harmful affects that alcohol is having on their lives. For alcoholics, alcohol has become not just a mental and psychological necessity, but also a physical one. Their body is dependent on it, and they will suffer possibly painful and prolonged withdrawals if they are deprived of it. Several more symptoms of an alcoholic will be the neglect of all other activities, large amount of time spent in alcohol related activities, lack of control over alcohol consumption, and/or very high tolerance for alcohol. A person does not need to have all of these symptoms to be an alcoholic. In fact just one or two will be enough to qualify the person as someone who is dependent upon alcohol.

However, just because alcoholism is a disease which may have genetic origins does not mean it cannot be successfully treated. In fact, people everywhere are beating their disease every day. The first step, of course, is a cliche: admit that you have a problem and need help. Now don't just write this off as an old adage, because all cliches derive their long lives from a strong basis in truth. Only after you win the battle with yourself can you begin to win the battle against addiction.

The next step is to seek help. This can be done through rehab, or through a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Do not try to simply moderate your drinking, however. You must stop drinking completely. The very definition of alcoholism is the inability to control your drinking habits. There are medications on the market as well. But the best thing to do may be to simply consult with your doctor. Alcoholism has, after all, been recognized as a disease, and therefore the most logical place to start is with a visit to the doctor's office.

Whatever path you choose, it is very important to stay committed to your goal. For this reason, I recommend going into a rehabilitation program, as well as utilizing a support group. Things are always easier when done with others.
As with all changes, transitioning from a life of alcoholism to a life of sobriety will be difficult. The most important asset to you at this time will be your family and friends. Good luck with beating this disease.

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To read more about symptoms and how to overcome drug, alcohol, or porn addiction then visit the comprehensive addiction site.