When the body comes in contact with certain foreign substances an exaggerated reaction by our immune system occurs it is called as Allergy. It happens that your body may overreact to substances that do not cause any harm to the people, it means you are suffering from allergy and these things called allergens. There are various number of symptoms that may help you to know or to figure out easily that you are suffering from allergies. To determine what exactly causing you allergy for that an allergy skin test can be done by the doctor. Following substance may cause allergy reaction like mold pores, pet dander, dust mites, pollen, food, insect sitting and medicines.

There are two type of allergies that is Seasonal allergy and Perennial or chronic allergy.
Seasonal Allergies
As the name indicate refer to that allergies that is caused or present only during certain times of the year or simple words seasonal allergies are those that come and go away with the seasons. Pollen from trees and grass are very active substances that contributes to the allergies.

Perennial or Chronic Allergy
Perennial or Chronic Allergy are the allergies that is present there for the full year. In this type of allergy most common allergens involved are house dust mites, certain food and pet dander.

Other common symptoms of seasonal allergies are runny nose, stuffy nose, red, watery, and itchy eyes, post-nasal drip, itchy ears, mouth, throat, and face, swollen eyelids, dry cough, sore throat, headaches, facial pains, partial loss of smell, taste, and hearing, dark circles in the eyes, fatigue and triggers. Seasonal allergy is depend upon season as well as on the area. It is so because that allergens are carried by the wind. Other sources that may cause allergy are ragweed , grass and fungus.

Allergies are ver common to people and it may affect people if any age as well as infant and children. For the treatment of seasonal and perennial allergies there are varios medicine available in the medical store. Xyzal is one of the medicine approved by FDA for the treatment seasonal and perennial allergies. It is a prescription medicine and belong to the group of antihistamine. This medicine reduces the natural histamine chemical in the body. Xyzal works by directly blocking the actions of histamine. Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride is the main ingredient of this medicine. It prevents the inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose. It prevents the irritation, infection, discharge, congestion and swelling of the nose. It also prevents welts that cause allergy and itching. Xyzal is available in the form of tablets and oral solution.

As it is a prescription medicine so few precaution needs to be taken to avoid any side effect. Xyzal medicine should not be used by people who are allergic to this medicine or to its ingredient. People suffering from the last stage of any kidney disease should not use Xyzal medicine. This medicine should not be used in children below the age of 12 years and suffering from kidney problem. People under the treatment of this medicine should avoid drinking alcohol. People on Dialysis should not take Xyzal drug. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not use this medicine without consulting doctor as use of this medicine in pregnant and breastfeeding mother may harm the health of unborn baby or nursed child.

Before taking Xyzal medicine you should inform your doctor if you are taking any prescription, non prescription and herbal medicine to avoid any drug interaction. The dosage recommended for Xyzal medicine is 5mg Xyzal tablet or 2 teaspoons of oral solution once everyday in the evening. Do not increase or decrease the dose of the medicine on your own as it may lead to serious side effect. Take this medicine with a full glass of water with or without food. Keep all medicines away from the reach of the children and pet.

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