Let me introduce myself. I am a 36 year old Indigo Adult. At the age of six weeks old, I had a near death experience that left me highly intuitive and conscious of the innate wisdom we all hold within us. I knew at this early age what my life’s work was: to remind others how to tap in to their own innate wisdom and live life from a place of love instead of fear.

I knew that we all held our own innate wisdom within our energy bodies that held the key to who we really are. I knew that we chose to forget this knowledge and to live in a world that looked very different from the magical, marvelous and expansive world in which we all dream of living.

Having walked the earth for many years curious as to why others did not see the world through the rose colored glasses that I did, I decided it was time to share my wisdom with others. I was just six years old. I wrote in a form of writing called stream of consciousness: twenty page papers about love, angels, heart, passion and how we could all live together in a unified way of compassion, trust and love. My teacher called a parent-teacher conference because she thought I was “different.”

The truth is, I was the same as everyone else inside. But no one else around me- children nor adults-seemed to see and feel what I could. I did not give up. I started verbally sharing my wisdom with the world through my every day encounters. Where I saw fear, I would share with others how they could let this fear go, see their lives from new perspectives, and live from a happier place grounded in the center of their sacred heart.

I have always known what we need to do to live a joyful life. I am here to remind you as well. It is simple. Real simple. Who you really are lies within your heart. All of you is energy. There are blocks in your energy that cause your outer world to bring people (I call actors and actresses) into your life to reflect back to you these blocks. When you are consciously waking back up to the truth of who you really are, you set creation in motion to reveal to you where you placed these blocks in your field of energy. By being aware of them now, you then get to set them free with love, joy, grace and ease. What naturally arises when you clear these energetic blocks is your authentic self. This is what we are referring to when we say live your fullest potential, life of joy, live for the moment and all of the other spiritual clichés that have all been created for you to remember what is innately within you, ready to come up and out into this world now.

Today I invite you to create a quiet space for you to rest in for just a few minutes. Once you are seated, close your eyes and drop your attention in to your heart center. Imagine a ball of golden white light radiating brightly in this space. In this center, there are many neurological and energetic blocks that have been created as defense mechanisms to keep you from really seeing and feeling your truest essence. These served you on your life’s path, however, they no longer need to be in place because you no longer desire to attract the same results as you have been attracting into your life. You are welcoming the new changes that are about to happen with the release of these energetic defense patterns. So, as you are feeling this golden light radiate out, simply drop inward on this sacred inner journey into the peaceful center of your heart. Simply intend that you are ready to clear, with grace, love, joy and ease, these old neuro-energetic patterns from all levels of your being and all levels of your consciousness, as you are inviting forth the power of who you really are now.

Allow this feeling to rise and just be with it. As the days unfold you will see your old ways show up all around you in others as a reminder to you that you have set that way of being free and are open to seeing your life from a new perspective: the purity of your own inner wisdom and innate beauty of your heart.

Author's Bio: 

At the age of six weeks old, Kelly Canull, had a near death experience that left her highly intuitive and conscious of the innate wisdom we all hold within us. She knew at this early age what her life’s work was: to remind others how to tap in to their own innate wisdom and live life from a place of love instead of fear.
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