Every person needs an informal guide to everyday behavior. This way, you get solutions to the issues that you might be experiencing in your day to day life. A self-help book is a book that is written by an author with the ultimate intentions of helping people solve their personal problems. They have their name from a self-seller ‘’self-help’’ by Samuel Smiles in 1859. They are also classified under self-improvement category. Self-improvement is a modernized term to refer to self-help books.

Self-improvement books now account for more than 2.5 billion dollars a year in the industry in the USA only. There are more than 417,000 copies that are available on Amazon only. This means you can get your copy anytime and read to improve your life.

These books offer a guide on several categories such as love, happiness, productivity, life and many more. The information is quite reliable because it is offered by experts in life issues such as mathematicians, couples therapists, psychologists, and engineers.

You might think that you are an expert in some field but after reading some of these self-help books you will gain brand-new insights into the matter. Self-help books offer information on how to be happy, how to achieve your goals and how to manage your emotions and money.

Even the most learned people in our society can fall into common mental traps when it comes to managing their money. That is the reason why you can still find them reading these books to get an insight on some of the arising issues.

3 Self Help Books

There are a thousand self-help books on the market that can bring a big impact in your life. Some of them include;

1.The anxiety solution by Chloe Brotheridge

This is a very effective guide to manage your anxiety. It is a practical toolkit that will bring a significant impact into your life. If you are struggling with issues concerning anxiety, then this book is for you in 2018.

2.Happiness by Andy Cope

This is another guide that will help you find happiness. It offers simple steps to becoming happier and more content with life. You can definitely check it.

3.The art of possibility by Rosamund and Benjamin

Everything in life is an invention. This book will help you find your possibilities. It will give you the energy to wake up and focus on the possibilities surrounding you rather than slipping into default mode measuring and comparing your life to others.


Self-help books can be an opener in your life, opening your whole world up to new possibilities. There are other copies that you can look for and read in order to approach your daily problems with more energy.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.