Allow me to take you on a little adventure with me. This was my yesterday.

I thoroughly enjoy inspiring others, it is what I am designed for, it's what I do, it's what I am. Yesterday had an interesting twist. Seldom do I get caught up in the drama and adventures of others, after all it is their journey, and yet my heart was becoming heavy, I could feel it, something that is unusual for me since I began feeling Spirit so strong in my heart. The news, facebook, and even those I know, tearing each other apart, putting each down, my view is right and your dumb, it's the government, it's the civilians, it's the republicans, it's the democrats, it's the rich, it's the poor, it's the men, it's the women, it's the gays, it's the straights, it's them over there, it's them right here, it's a conspiracy they're all out to get me, and throw in some added sarcasm. My what a brew this all makes. Do you ever take a look at yourselves as you tear each other apart? So I sat down and took a deep breath, I asked Spirit "What Purpose does this serve?" Since I like poetry this is what I heard:

Today I asked,
what purpose is served?
It’s a cry out for love,
is what I had heard.

Those who delight,
in the hurts of others,
or putting down,
there own sisters and brothers.

It’s all very simple,
and I’ll tell you why,
some have not heard,
their own hurting cry.

Whether they speak of justice,
or ask for tolerance,
they have none for self,
it’s their own small-mindedness.

Misery loves company,
so it is said,
they share of their “stuff”,
asking to join in their ”bed”.

When they learn to love self,
it wont be the same,
they’ll no longer wish ,
to play in that game.

Send them all Love,
for the highest good.
It’s there own journey,
that’s well understood.

It didn't take long and I was feeling as right as rain. I had a most brilliant meditation time, followed by a nap. When I turned in for the night I had a nice conversation with Spirit... it went something like this.... Thank you for the experiences of this day it was very interesting. I know it is my free will to serve the light and I am always pleased to do so, it is what bring me great joy. Thank you for helping me to remember how strong my light is and what I am! At this point I called in my 'heavenly' teammates, 7 archangels and 7 master teachers. I woke up in the middle of the night for just a moment. I began to see many different pastel colors then one color in particular became dominate, the beautiful color teal was in my minds eye. So stayed with it for a few moments then I drifted off. When I got out of bed this morning, coffee first, I looked up the symbolism of the color teal and this is what I found.

Teal~The color teal signifies trustworthiness, devotion and healing. It is also indicative of spiritual guidance and teacher. Awesome message to start off my day!

So I'll leave you for now, have an awesomely delicious day!

Remember, be kind to yourself as well as others we're in this together, we're sisters we're brothers!

~ Peace and Angel Blessings, Suziangel224/Cera ~

Author's Bio: 

I am blessed with channeling messages from Spirit that give hope and guidance to all of us. Each morning comes a new way of looking at our earth bound lives, how we handle our daily interactions with others and to be reminded we are spiritual beings in a physical world.