Well we are on the ride of the holiday time of the year on a decline that is steadily picking up speed. Isn’t it interesting how it feels like the Universe moves faster during this time of celebration, gratitude, reflection and light? It’s like when you begin your travel to a destination it seems to take so much longer than when you’re returning.

However, what is really happening is a trick of our mind. The travel time for each scenario is the same. It’s just how it feels to us and what we “think” when we’re in the experience of it.

This made me begin to think if there is other times our mind and thoughts seem to trick us. The only thing that came to mind is when we want to make a change in our lives. When we make the decision to step beyond our comfort zone, stop giving our power away to others, or we choose to say what we really think and feel.

Upon closer observation you can see the trickster as it begins to taunt and tease you and call in it’s friend doubt. The more resolve you have it calls in the BIG guns such as fear who brings all the scary scenarios… with one goal in mind… to terrorize you.

I remember I saw something on FB one day with a picture of a women’s face, zeroed in on her lips painted with red lipstick and maybe a cigarette hanging out of her mouth…yea, somewhat suggestive. The caption said, “I’ve been screwed by my mind way more than by men.”

For far too long the pattern has been that we point the finger at “them”(whoever them are) as the reason we didn’t live our dreams, didn’t reach our goals, didn’t lose the weight, didn’t take action, didn’t write the book, didn’t travel, start our business and on and on.

I know because I had my “them” that I would tell myself were preventing me from what I wanted…for a long time. Then I realized it wasn’t them, it was me and my thoughts sabotaging my success. Then I made a conscious choice to keep doing what I was doing, which meant I couldn’t complain about it.

Until, that is I got fired. Then I had no more reasons and no “them” to point my finger at. I had to either show up in my life or not. But it would have to be my choice. I choose to show up. Here’s how:

1. Decide, consciously, what you want. (This is the most important step)
2. Created a clear picture and feeling of what that was and what it would look like.
3. Created your goals in bite size projects with timeframes.
4. Hired an entrepreneurial coach for accountability & support.
5. Take action and Stay in action.

In the year since I was fired, I have written a book, Let’s Get You Happy First, that is soon to be published, formally established my personal development coaching business: Consciously Creating Your Life, Inc., created the Home Study Course to accompany my book, travelled, spent more time with my son, begun speaking and serving more people on the planet.

As you pause to celebrate, express appreciation, enjoy your family &friends and reflect on your life, first listen to your heart and then hear the thoughts you are thinking and see if they are accurate. Next realize this is your life that you are living and that you have the power (more than anyone else) to impact and influence it. Then decide you want and go for it!!

Author's Bio: 

Jenenne Macklin is a speaker, author and Empowerment Coach that inspires, empowers and seeks to transform the lives of her audiences and clients through practical tools and strategies based on her life journey from being abused, abandoned and adopted to be confident, connected and centered.