Are you a dog owner that often likes to feed your pet dog table scraps? Does you dog often eat food that isn't considered appropriate dog food? Did you know that certain foods that seem safe for your dog can potentially be dangerous for your four legged friend? If you think your dog may have a weight problem, please read on.

Many dog owners that have an overweight or obese dog are unaware of the health issues that correlates to being an overweight dog. Pet owners with overweight cats or dogs are usually culprits of overfeeding and lack of providing not enough exercise for their pets. Obese or overweight dogs are more prone to diabetes, cancer, kidney failure, joint pains, high blood pressure, arthritis and as well as dental problems. Not only do dogs with weight problems suffer from these health issues, they are also more likely to die faster than pets who are fed a normal and healthy diet.

How to Tell if Your Dog is Overweight or Obese?
You can easily tell by just looking and feeling your dog. Do you see your dog's waistline? If you can't feel his ribs under a layer of body fat and muscle,than your dog is fat. Over half of the dogs and cats in the U.S is considered overweight and one fifth of them is considered obese. In order for an animal to be defined as obese, they need to be 30% over their normal body weight.

Another way to find out if your dog is overweight is by taking your dog to the vet. Your vet can do a blood test to determine your dog's body fat percentage and they can suggest what to do from there to lower your dog's body weight.

What to Do if Your Pet is Overweight?
The first things you should do is limit the snacks your dog gets. This means no more table scraps all together. I know it's really hard to resist but your dog will not starve if you give up on the dinnertime table scraps. Only treat your dog to snacks when he has done something to deserve it. Also, feed your dog on a routine schedule everyday and don't let food sit in his bowls all day. Stick to the feeding times (2x a day) and don't give in when your dog begs for more. A low calorie but very filling dish for your dog is low sodium can of green beans and plain canned pumpkin.

Instead of feeding your dog cheeseburgers, muffins,fried foods, pizza, ice cream or any other forms of food that isn't considered healthy (even for you) than you should opt for healthier snacks like unbuttered low fat popcorn, carrots, low sodium peas and carrots, apples or pretzels.

Keep in mind that your dog will be eating less so make sure that the foods you give him is filling like the pumpkin and green bean dish mentioned above.

I know It's really hard to deny your dog food when he's hungry (that's how you got into this mess anyways) but sticking it to the diet plan will help your four legged friend stay around longer.

It will take some time for your overweight dog to lose weight, just as it took for your dog to get to the weight he's at now. Don't forget to include exercise for your dog. If your four legged house pet is extremely overweight, watch him carefully when you take him out for walks in case he has difficulty breathing. Visiting a vet is always recommended before you begin any weight loss program for your dog.

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Got other dog related issues? If so, you should definitely check out Scooting Dogs, and Secret to Dog Training.