Astrological age in astrology , is a period of time that corresponds to the displacement of 30 degrees of arc of Earth's axis due to the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes , equivalent to one month of Platonic year or equinoctial cycle, ie the period takes for the precession of the Earth in a full turn of 360 ° which occurs in about 25776 years. In other words, is the period of time during which the vernal point crosses one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac , because the precession of the equinoxes , the sun moves backward through the twelve signs of the zodiac at the rate of about one degree of space every 71.6 years, and through each sign (30 degrees of space) in about 2148 years, and around the circle or cycle around the equator in about 25776 years. The offset value is 50.290966 "per year, or about 1 ° every 71.6 years, which used to be rounded to 72 in the esoteric literature of the 30, resulting in an error of 144 years. This is because Earth does not spin on a stationary axis. The shaft has a slow swing, similar to that of a spin or top that has lost some of the force was released, thus describing a circle in space. Because of this oscillating The Sun does not cross the Ecuador ( vernal equinox ) in the same place every year, but a little further back, hence the term "precession of the equinoxes", because the equinox "comes before".

Support astronomical

An equinox in astronomy is a moment in time (not all day) when the Sun can be observed directly on Ecuador and occur around March 20 and September 23 each year.

There are two equinoxes during the year: the spring equinox and the autumnal equinox (for the northern hemisphere), are two days when night and day have the same length.

n astronomy , precession of the equinoxes is a real phenomenon due to the slow and gradual change in the orientation of the axis of rotation of the Earth, which, like the wobble of a top or top, gravity-induced trace a cone in a cycle about 25776 years.

Orbit of the Earth to the sun in the center. The positions of the Earth to the left and right correspond to the solstices . The two center corresponding to the equinoxes . The dates occurring solstices and equinoxes vary from year to year approximately plus or minus one day.

For sidereal astrology, the year begins around March 21 in the spring equinox , due to the precession of Earth's axis apparent figure or constellation that is visible from Earth as the background of vernal point moves in the same measure of a ° every 71.6 years, astrology was invented when the vernal point had the background to the constellation of Aries, hence the vernal point is also known as Aries point , while the autumnal equinox for the Northern Hemisphere is known as point Libra (diametrically opposite the constellation Aries).

In such a way that each 30 ° of arc corresponds to one of the 12 traditional constellations of the zodiac, so when astrology was invented happening says the Age of Aries, the vernal point currently traveling over Pisces, so it is said that we in the Age of Pisces, and the next was relatively close is the Aquarium which would enter around the year 2148.

It should be noted that although the theory about the astrological ages are considered based on astronomical notions about the movement of the sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac because of the precession of the equinoxes , the idea of astral influences that the phenomenon of parallax Astronomical would have on humanity, marking a shift already be starting to notice and an associated lead time of prosperity, abundance and peace, and variants supported by various esoteric and occult movements, entirely without scientific basis.

In the late twentieth and early twenty-first, modern astronomy has become more and more precise details about the movements of the Earth as Wade Chandler , the Euler angles and Nutation , phenomena closely associated with the accuracy of Earth's axis that could calling into question the metaphysical beliefs associated with land axial movement.

The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius is one of twelve astrological ages , defined by the concept of Platonic year, based on the phenomenon astronomical called precession of the equinoxes . Theories about the astrological ages are not considered properly belonging to the field of astronomy, but the astrology (set of beliefs based on the premise that astronomical phenomena have influence on human affairs).

According to calculations by different astrologers , the dates most likely to enter the age of Aquarius could be the year 2038 (Elsa M. Glover) [in August ], 2658 ( Max Heindel ) [4 ]or 2080 (Shepherd Simpson) although many believe that the change was held in mid- twentieth century , as Samael Aun Weor in 1962 [September ]and Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière in 1948. [10 ]Some of these dates are relatively close together, given from a calculation of something that according to astrology, it could happen soon.

In 1929, the International Astronomical Union classified and defined the borders of the 88 constellations , if we calculated the beginning of the Aquarian age based on these limits, the boundary between Pisces and Aquarius would place the hypothetical Golden Age around the XXII century.

It is believed that the Age of Aquarius will bring an age of universal twinning rooted in reason where it will be possible to solve social problems in a fair and equitable, and more opportunities for both intellectual and spiritual improvement.

The astrological ages in the esoteric

The precession of the equinoxes was completed to understand IXX late though and Hipparchus accurately measured the earth with a unique approach for its time (134 BC). While the relationship of the great equinoctial cycle with esoteric and astrological ages, is a more recent phenomenon and dates back to the esoteric and theosophical currents in vogue in the early twentieth century and lasted until after the war, people like Rudolf Steiner and Paul Le Cour were among the first in shaping the concept RIEF.

According to this view, each of these times is a milestone in history. According to Paul Le Cour, the Age of Pisces began with the advent of Christianity and 2160 years ending after starting the age of Aquarius. According to Max Heindel, the Age of Pisces has begun in the 498 and the Aquarian will begin in 2658. As Rudolf Steiner rejects this view and argues that the Age of Aquarius will begin in 3573, when the vernal equinox is approaching half of the constellation Aquarius.

For the esoteric, human history can be interpreted by the astrological ages, because the stars have an influence on human affairs, and therefore transit from one era to another can be interpreted as jumps or fundamental changes in the line of time of human evolution. It is believed that the new Age of Aquarius will be a golden age, an age of knowledge, in which mankind gradually release the mental and spiritual bondage that has suffered for hundreds of years. For other will be a radical change in human relations and the civilization as a whole, as were affecting the thinking and moral values of humanity, where the influence of Aquarius, they say, would already beginning to be felt in areas as individual development, social, cultural, scientific and technological and globalization reached during the twentieth century.

In this sense, esoteric claim, for example, that in the era of Taurus began bullfighting at the age of Pisces, being of water, the sea was developed, while the Aquarian age, being of air, it has to do with the development of knowledge , but this interpretation of the influence of the astrological ages proceed as the cause of humanity in its various historical stages, entirely without scientific basis.

The Problem of the limits

The inner circle represents the zodiac tropical, the middle circle shows the sidereal zodiac and the 12 signs (equal segments of 30 ° of arc) and its displacement to date (2011) on the tropical zodiac fixed outer circle shows the astronomical zodiac with the 13 constellations according to the limits established in 1930 by the IAU . The yellow line represents the vernal equinox, you can see what they need to enter Aquarius, the sidereal zodiac come first or before the astronomical (Sidereal Zodiac: assuming a ayanamsa of 23.86 ° according to the NC Lahiri).

The constellations in practice have very unequal sizes, Aries and Cancer are constellations such as small, while Pisces and Virgo are great, the boundaries of the constellations were established in 1930 , and are very uneven cutting segments on the ecliptic .

While the main idea is to have 12 months of the great year or astrological ages of 30 degrees each, similar to the signs of the zodiac (particularly that of sidereal astrology), and these 12 equal sectors have made their calculations Le Cour and others, who estimated the duration of each was in 1260 years (1248 according to modern calculations) for a sector or was 30 degrees. constellations really are not all 30 °, so the idea has emerged to be limits used to calculate astronomical astrological ages, according to this criterion, it would take longer to enter the Age of Aquarius, as Pisces and Aquarius is 37.2 ° 24.0 °, [18 ]although there have been attempts to cut Pisces to break into Aquarius.

The problem is that it is possible a rigorous approach to this criterion, since the constellations are arbitrary figures product of human imagination and therefore there is no way to set limits formal (accurate yes, but not formal in the sense of there is no criterion that is relatively arbitrary to determine whether a constellation will have 27, 29, 32 or 34 degrees of arc), which are 12 angular sectors of 30 °, ie an approximation for the 12 lunar cycles or months natural. Also, if we grant that the planets in relation to these 12 areas, or zodiac signs influence us in 12 sectors of 30 ° each, should ask that to the astrological ages that would be different.

Most of the zodiacal constellations are the same as the old , and the brightest were identified as such before the birth of modern astrology. But in ancient times, constellations, star clusters were not areas containing stars like today, and the "limit" of a constellation of stars was a limited series, not a definition of segments forming a surface.

The point is that if we look at the constellation of Aquarius, on a beautiful starry night, is clearly not distinguish anything. A specialist can recognize the shape in the sky , and say that a planet or moon are in such a constellation (when it is within the framework of the group of stars associated with it), but the boundary between the Capricorn or Pisces is not visible (in does not exist), is this vision that prevailed in antiquity.

Thus, there are areas "hollow" between the constellations, where the time of transit of a star or the vernal point was meaningless. This is the main reason that the ecliptic is divided into twelve angular sectors which are the signs of the zodiac, in order to identify the movements of the stars. Not until the vision "modern" including borders, where the stars take second place.

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