One of the key aspects that are highlighted in the natal chart is marriage and love. Astrological Compatibility determines the ratio of success of two individual's relationship by studying their horoscope. Every relationship thrives on harmonious interaction. When the stars and energies combine the two, then the relationship works and the individual strengths compliment each other. There is a science that can evaluate whether the individual energies are complimentary or opposing to one another. This is done in many ways such as reading the sun signs, moon signs, Chinese sign or numerology. Though astrology helps identifying the compatibility or incompatibility levels between people, yet the human effort to make a relationship is equally important.

There are innumerable website providing free astrology services which included birth chart, compatibility tests, tarot card reading, numerology, Chinese astrology, palmistry, face reading and many more. Technology has made this science more tangible and allows users to know their future from different aspects and also look for varied solutions. Today, it is easy to find out what next day, week, month or year will have in store with the Free Horoscope services available online.

There are societies where astrology is a part of daily life and there are those who ignore the relevance of the star power and believe that actions lead to achievements. In other words, you reap if you sow. However, the advocates may always argue that it is always better to know the soil type before determining which seed to sow. In many cultures, astrology dominates every phase of life and begins when a child steps into the world. Birth Chart Horoscope or primarily known as Natal Charts, is made by taking into account the time of birth, date of birth and the place of birth. All individual fall in one of the twelve sun signs. However, the natal charts of two Sagittarius children born on the same day but at different times or places will be entirely different. The reason for this is that the position of the moon changes more frequently compared to the other planets and so does its impact on the individual. Many people map key milestones of their lives based on the natal chart.

The life map changes and may need to be revised as the years pass by. When we think of prosperity and of creating abundance, it's easy enough to see how working at a job that we love helps us to earn more money then if we worked at a job we hated. We can also see that if we add plenty of love and warm-fuzzies towards how we treat our coworkers, bosses, employees, and customers, then it makes sense that people will like doing business with us and we'll again earn more money. We can understand how putting our love into the product or service that we sell makes for a superior product or service and therefore raises the perceived value of that product or service. Here's the hard part... it holds true in our personal relationships too.

How many women complain that their husbands don't spend enough time with them? The wife complains that her husband doesn't appear to really care about her. She thinks there is a lack of deep emotional connection between the two of them. "You don't say that you love me! Therefore you must not love me!" He quickly points out that her argument that his lack of flowers and romantic words doesn't mean that he doesn't love her. After all, he works hard to earn enough money so that she can live in the house they share and so that she can choose to work or shop or raise kids or whatever it is she does with her time. She says that she appreciates the money, but it's not the same as love. It all can be condensed down to this... she doesn't see money as a symbol of love the way that he does. So many men feel that all of their long hours working to support their families is disregarded and they're bitched at for not spending enough quality time with her and the kids.

Time is money. That makes sense. Bosses hire employees for their time on the job. Most people get paid by the hour or a monthly salary. How much they get paid is determined by their expertise and the quality of work they perform, but ultimately the boss is paying you to do what he does not have the time to do himself.

To illustrate the point even further, we love professional athletes, musicians, actors, and other entertainers so much that we'll pay a fortune to see them perform. Those highly paid athletes are making that kind of money because we love them! If we didn't love them, then they wouldn't get the ticket sales. It wouldn't matter how well they threw the ball if nobody wanted to watch them do it. Famous celebrities are rich because they have a lot of people who love their work.

This is not to say that it's okay to give money in lieu of love, but rather that for many men, this is their greatest symbolic gesture. Remember too, they are hunters at heart. The caveman had to bring in the dinner or his loved ones would perish. They give money like women give hugs and kisses to babies. Look at the single mom who cannot spend time with her children because she's always working to financially support them. It's not because she doesn't love them. Men need to remember too, that ONLY giving money as a symbol of their love is like a woman ONLY cooking and cleaning as a symbol of her love. Both are huge gifts of the heart, but they are certainly not the only gifts that are needed for a strong bond.

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