We are living in the Age of Aquarius where many are concerned with the growth of the spirit of consciousness. The development of Soul awareness is one of the central themes of this age.

Authentic astrology can make a profound contribution toward the growth in consciousness, to which in our many different ways, we are part of this human task and destiny.

The Value OF Astrology

Astrology can reveal what the individual needs to change or improve, along with what is positive and well developed.
The first basic function of authentic astrology is to aid in the development of self-awareness on a personal and deep level.

When the client is open to face some basic truths and the astrological material is presented with consideration and sensitivity, the Birth Chart becomes an objective tool to which the client can relate. Seeing their character objectively gives a sense of detachment, security and control. This can open them up safely to investigate deeper issues.

Working alongside other Psychological Professions

In the past astrology has been abused as a fortune telling device. Because of this it has lost its value as being a tool for in-depth psychology.

In our Aquarian Age, I see it regaining its value in working alongside other professions that foster healing and self-development.

What the Birth Chart provides is an excellent psychological overview of the individual personality. The Birth Chart has so much information that can focus on the root of any problem.

Thinking Out of the Box

Viewing life just from rational science will not open the awareness to wider possibilities that can be achieved by using astrology in its rightful place. That is,in helping to increase self-awareness,therefore reconnecting others to their own power and purpose.

It would be to everyone’s advantage to open up channels between astrologers and other helping professions.

Working Together

Although astrology can stand alone as a tool for developing consciousness, most astrologers lack the tools and skills of trained therapists. However,I do see a future role for astrology in working with other therapist. Together we all can become more effective and efficient in our service to others. After all,Aquarian ideals honors individuality yet are very much involved in group activity and raising consciousness.

Author's Bio: 

Astrologer Lucinda Tinsley has been studying Astrology for over 20 years. She helps those who seek deeper insights into life and themselves. Using the psychological approach in understanding your personal Birth Chart she leads you towards your authentic self, to understanding your challenges and discovering your potential and life’s purpose.

You can download her free report that explains the value of astrology and how it can help you,@ http://lucindatinsley.com/welcome-page