When my son turned two, I decided it was time for him to attend school but mainstream schools don’t take in children under 3 years. So I started doing research into pre-schools, how they work and what the costs are as they tend to be quite expensive.

After a week of searching on the internet, I came across a government scheme for 3-4 year olds. As many mainstream schools don’t take 3 year olds, the government introduced a scheme where you can take your child to your local pre-school but you don’t pay for it, the government will fund your child till they turn 4 years old.

When the information package arrived, the first thing I did was look at the list of government funded pre-schools to check if I had any close to where I lived and lucky for me

I didn’t waste time, I called up my local pre-school to book a place for him but it wasn’t as easy as I thought.

Finally after all the forms were complete, I was told he can start as soon as I wanted him to, I told them tomorrow would be great. As I was already at the place I decided to check it out, to make sure it was clean and safe for him. I also asked what he will be learning as I don’t want him to just be playing, so far the place looked good, it had all different types of toys including animal soft toy.

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