If you are struggling to find enough clients to fill and grow your coaching business, you need to find a new marketing strategy that works for you and most importantly that you will work on. You see most marketing strategies work really well for people who are comfortable with them and so use them consistently. Unfortunately, as coaches there are lots of marketing methods that just feel uncomfortable to us. List building is the strategy that I have found that feels authentic - because it's all about building relationships, and works - again because it's all about building relationships! In this article I am going to show you why I believe list building is the best strategy for coaches.

When I say list building, I mean building a list of email addresses of people in your niche who are interested in the help and information you have to offer. As you grow this list you will need to keep in touch with your subscribers and build relationships with them by sending them useful information, tips, how-to advice, and of course introduce them to your services and products. Bear in ind here, I'm not just talking about sending a newsletter at them once a month. I'm talking about using email marketing in an interactive manner to really build rapport with your subscribers.

This is such a great strategy for coaches as it allows us to build on our strengths, it's all about building relationships. You will invite everyone you meet in your niche to subscribe to your list in order to receive useful information from you. Those who feel they have something to learn from you and who feel that your style is a good match for them will sign up.

Your first contact with people in your niche will come from whatever marketing efforts you are already making and whatever methods you decide to add. Some popular ways are article marketing, using social media, blogging and inviting your website visitors to subscribe to your list.

From this first contact you can invite people to join your list. One way to do this is to offer a free giveaway product as an incentive. If you choose this route make sure that you are giving information that is truly of value to your niche. Your giveaway will give your subscribers a first taste of your style and the kind of information you have to share and will also showcase your expertise.

Once people are on your list the emails that you send to them should also do the same job - provide your subscribers with useful information and allow them to get to know you and your services. This relationship that you build with your list fills the gap between initial contact and them investing in coaching with you. It allows you to share more with people who have told you they need your help and it allows them to get to know you more before they make a commitment to work with you.

Building a list of subscribers in this way and then building relationships with them allows you to attract more coaching clients. You see, without a list people need to decide on the spot whether they want to hire you as their coach. On the other hand, if they have ongoing contact with you via email and you provide them with useful content, then you will be their natural o-to choice when they are ready for coaching.

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If you would like to learn more about list building and email marketing, click here to download your free copy of "Grow Your Coaching Practice by Building Your List"

Jenni Whitmer is a Life Coach who discovered the benefits of List Building and Email Marketing. She is now on a mission to share her passion with other coaches to help them build marketing campaigns that feel authentic, build relationships - and bring in clients! You can learn more at www.coachyourlist.com