Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that an individual will follow when they have trapped in a huge debt of financial crisis. So when an individual files for bankruptcy they get an opportunity to refresh financially. It also helps the people who are in a situation that they can never pay back their debts to get a fresh start.

The only situation that one can claim for bankruptcy is when an individual cannot pay back all their debts since they fall due. If it is a first time bankrupt then they will generally receive their discharge one year after getting the bankruptcy order. In some cases there is a possibility of the discharge period to be less than one year.

Generally bankruptcy has a bad sign when it is publicly advertised but it should be considered in this way when dealing with ones insolvency cases. Kindly note that if you have ever faced with the problems of bankruptcy you should try to look for an alternative such as IVA (individual voluntary arrangement procedure).

Look bankruptcy as a way of dealing with the debts that cannot be paid. The proceedings of the bankruptcy are: one will be freed from the overflowing debts so that they can have a fresh start abiding to certain restriction. Your assets will be shared out reasonably among other creditors.

Anyone be it an individual or a business partnership. There is different insolvency techniques followed in dealing bankruptcy for companies or an individual.

One can be made bankrupt in one of the following ways:

• Voluntarily
• Involuntarily
• Supervisor
• Or bound by an IVA

If you refuse to accept and agree to the proceedings of the bankruptcy, the order can still be made even. So you have to collaborate fully once the bankruptcy procedures have begun. In case you disagree with the creditors claim then you have to try and settle certain things before the bankruptcy petition due date is heard. So trying to disagree after the bankruptcy order will be both expensive and difficult.

Below are some of the implications of bankruptcy.

One can lose control in their assets. Without the permission of the lender one will not be able to get credited for not more than £250. Company directory position will be lost. The person will not be allowed to take part in any promotion or management activities without the permission of the court. You have to inform all the persons who have involved in bankruptcy if you want to trade a business in some other names. They cannot practice as a lawyer or a charted accountant. They cannot be a JP (justice of peace), member of parliament, local authority, and there is a chance for that person to be publicly examined in the court.

Though there are many implications in the court there are certain advantages when you claim bankruptcy.

The one who have involved in bankruptcy will have peace of mind and some automatic discharge after one year from the date of bankruptcy notice. And for the creditors they will be fully investigated of the debtor’s dealings to be carried out.

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Michael John is an expert author for Management consulting, investment consulting... . He wrote many articles like Management consulting, investment consulting... For more information visit our site Contact me at