What is the difference between being present or awakened and being asleep?
As human beings, we can only function in one of the following two states:

Awake – awakened and having full control of our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Asleep – acting based on conditioning and instincts with virtually no control over our thoughts, emotions, or actions; living life in automatic mode without controlling outcomes or circumstances.

What causes us to enter the sleep state?
Unfortunately, being asleep is the default modus operandi of the human psyche, which causes people to sleepwalk through life. The sad reality is that most people continue to live and function in sleep mode without ever realizing it. In this semi-unconscious state, they become victims of circumstance and miss out on opportunities to build healthy relationships and create prosperous living for themselves and for others. Instead, they become trapped in a state that causes enormous emotional and physical pain.

Be aware of the triggers that send you into deep sleep. These include any type of fear or negativity. Every negative reaction sends you deeper into sleep. When someone cuts you off in traffic and you grumble, you are already asleep. Routine and monotony have a hypnotic effect, which makes it extremely hard for a person to awaken. This is the reason why people with 9 to 5 jobs who follow the same schedule every day are asleep most of the time.

How do we cultivate presence in our lives?
Truth be told, cultivating presence is much easier said than done, but you must start somewhere. Start meditating for 5 minutes, 1 to 3 times a day based on how busy you are in your daily schedule. Try to remember yourself and become fully present throughout the day by setting different alarms, such as sticky notes on the refrigerator or the steering wheel of your car. In the beginning it is important to understand that you will have very little control over it. Some days you may find yourself being present more than others, but what really matters is your intent. Do not become frustrated and simply continue to practice.

You can also use self-hypnosis and anchor yourself in words, objects or events that usually throw you off balance, such as bills, traffic, name of your boss, etc…

Once you take responsibility for your life by being aware and present as much as possible, your relationships with people will flourish and you will be well on your way to a joyful, fulfilling and prosperous life.

The most important thing about being present is that you regain control of your time. What this means is that when you are fully present, you are truly living your life. Otherwise, your life is being lived without your active participation. Is this something you would consciously choose for yourself? We think the answer is obvious.

Start observing other people on a daily basis and you will see that most of them are in a state of deep sleep. You can tell this by their automatic negative emotions and reactions to external events. Once you really see that most people around you are in a state of sleep, you will begin to appreciate yourself as a shepherd among the sheep and you will automatically develop more understanding, love, and compassion for others. As they say, in a blind kingdom, one-eyed man is king.

Part of a “13 Steps To Awakening” course
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Love, Health, and Wealth.

Alex Moses
Awakening Guide

Author's Bio: 

I saw that the program that I created to heal myself actually works. Since at the time I had zero income, I decided to apply it my financial problems. Well, that was the last time I ever had to worry about money or had mental or emotional stress of any kind. I have finally figured out the way to have no financial, relationship, or any other issues in life. Eight years later, I am still happy doing what I love, living with the love of my life, and enjoying my life to the fullest, absolutely pain-free and in the best shape of my life. I have found my MEANING and my PURPOSE: helping people just like you find their life path and free themselves from financial, emotional, and physical pain for the rest of their lives.