There are a number of requirements and steps that you need to follow in order to acquire your CNA certification and become a good certified nursing assistant. You must first become certified to obtain a position as a certified nursing assistant. And, in order to enroll for the CNA certification programs you must at least have a high school diploma or a GED degree. Also, you must be 18 years of age to be eligible for the CNA training. Once you meet these initial CNA certification requirements, you can start off with your training to become a CNA.

There are number of community colleges and organizations that offer CNA training. Certain online CNA training courses such as the American Red Cross and even certain hospitals and nursing homes do provide good training for the emerging CNAs. You can choose any of these options to pursue your CNA training and acquire your CNA certification.

The CNA training programs last for around two to three months depending on whether you opt for full time or part time training. These courses include both theoretical as well as practical training.

During the theoretical exam you are required to answer questions based on basic as well as specific medical skills. On the other hand, the practical exam is conducted to determine whether you are able to demonstrate everything that you learnt in the practical training.

Make sure that you prepare well for the CNA certification exam. You can search for free sample questions online or take the trial tests in order to determine your weak areas and prepare for the theoretical exam. Similarly, you can also prepare for the practical exam by keeping in mind and revising all the skills that you learnt during your hands on training.

After completing with the CNA training course, you have to apply for the CNA certification test to get your CNA certificate. You have to score well in order to pass both the parts of the exam. Only then you will acquire your CNA certificate.

Remember that your CNA license is valid only for a limited period of time. Hence, make sure that you renew your CNA license from time to time in order to continue with your career as a CNA. You can check with the licensing authority of the respective state for the CNA certification renewal steps.

Acquiring CNA certification creates a lot of opportunities for certified nursing assistants to explore their knowledge and skills in a much better way. It enables the CNAs to obtain higher education in the field of medicine and health care and move up the ladder. Moreover, the salaries that certified nursing aides receive are much higher as compared to the non certified ones.

Author's Bio: 

This is Aaron Dsouza; I have collected all the information you will require about certification of nursing assistants and the requirements pertaining to their license. It is my earnest attempt to provide the most appropriate information that may be helpful to you; for details visit certified nursing assistant certification.