Want to learn to draw easily but don't know where to start? With the mountain of skills to be acquired which looms before us, it is not always easy to start learning to draw when you are a beginner. What are the basics? Should we start by learning the anatomy of the human body? Is there a good technique for learning to draw?

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Whether you want to draw a portrait, draw perspective scenery, draw animals, learn to draw manga, or just perfect your mastery of different techniques such as watercolors, colored pencils, pastels, and more. It is a simple method, but not easy to maintain in the long term. We will talk about it in the rest of this article, but first of all, I advise you to define what type of drawing you want to learn by reading this article.

Before you embark on the business of learning to draw, I would like to alert you to one thing that is important to know:

Don't expect linear progression. You won't see steady progress in your drawings day after day. Learning to draw is not like building muscle that you can measure performance.

You should rather see his apprenticeship in drawing as a staircase, with landings. It works by clicks. You progress as you understand and apply the techniques. You improve from drawing to drawing by applying the knowledge you acquire.

Learning to draw starts with learning the theory, the basics of drawing. The theory of drawing brings together a set of rules, the existence of which must at least be known: anatomy, composition, color, values, perspective, etc. For this, the internet is an inexhaustible source of knowledge!

You are spoiled for choice: Youtube tutorial, blog articles on drawing techniques, podcasts, etc. To learn the basics, you can also tap into the Gooroo Courses resources which share a lot of the ground rules withdrawing.

You can also find information in some artist communities like Gooroo Courses. The Gooroo Courses can also help you gain some technical knowledge.

Finally, you can also consider the classic method and enroll in drawing classes in your city or take private drawing lessons, or even take drawing lessons by joining a drawing school. The drawing is inspired by reality. A certain knowledge of reality can therefore greatly help you!

Atmospheric perspective, the way a ray of light behaves, color theory, etc. You don't need to understand everything from the start, of course. But when you want to copy reality, it's good to be interested in your "scientific" information like How Many Feet in a Mile.

I call this the "understanding" drawing. This step is essential if you want to move on to the imaginative drawing. It doesn't matter what style you want to achieve. It also works well to become a comic book writer!

Observation is essential for learning to draw. It can be practiced at any time, and not just with a pencil in hand!

Remember to observe what surrounds you in general. For example, on the terrace of a café, observe the way people hold themselves, the evolution of light, the play of colors on a piece of clothing, etc. This will help you in all stages of your learning to draw!

Learning to draw goes through regular practice. In this step, you will do your scales by working on what you have learned. Learning the basics of drawing is good, applying them is better.

Now you have to train yourself by applying what you have observed or understood. For example, if while on the patio you focused on wrinkles in clothes, dig into that topic for several days.

For a week, go to Google every day to find pictures of pleated clothes. Practice reproducing different materials so that the effects of weight, the play of light, the thickness of the folds, etc.

Author's Bio: 

Gooroo Courses drawing course will guide you through a series of fun and easy.