Chief Executive Officer (ID) of the Eurasian Group, one of the largest companies specializing in the extraction of metallurgical raw materials and smelting of metals. The Eurasian Resources Group is more than 85,000 people worldwide. The head office of the company is in Luxembourg.

Benedict Sobotka was born in Germany in 1980. He was educated at the Higher School of Management. Otto Beisheim, in addition to this, studied at several other higher educational institutions. Among them are the Rotterdam School of Management, CEIBS (Sino-European International Business School) in Shanghai, and the Moscow Finance Academy.

In addition to German, Benedict speaks Russian, English, Spanish and French. He speaks a little Chinese.

Carier start

Before becoming Executive Director of ERG, Sobotka worked at Bryanston Resources, his own investment consulting firm in commoditization. Two years after its founding, the company consisted of 10 functioning offices and more than one hundred people. Prior to opening his own firm, he built a successful career with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a well-known international company specializing in management consulting.

Career Stages:

♦ Boston Consulting Group, 2004-2011

♦ Founder of Bryanston Resources, 2011-2014

♦ Chief Executive Officer of Eurasian Resources Group, from 2014 to the present

In addition to his core business, he has experience investing in technology startups. Among them, the Mineral Values ​​Service (MVS) is a modern analytical tool developed for the iron ore industry, and the Advanced Membrane System (AMS) is a nanofiltration company.

Jobs at Eurasian Resources Group

Sobotka became the CEO of Eurasian Resources Group in January 2014. Currently, the industrial complexes of the group are located in several countries: Kazakhstan accounts for more than 80% of all ERG employees and most of the production operations; The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which produces up to 60% of the world's total cobalt, and Zambia, where Chambishi Metals, the Eurasian Resources Group smelter for copper and cobalt, is located. The list of countries in which the Eurasian Group conducts industrial activities also includes Brazil, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mali.

Eurasian Resources Group is a member of many international and regional associations:

In the world:

♦ World Economic Forum (WEF)

♦ Institute of cobalt; and etc.

In Kazakhstan:

♦ Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

♦ National Chamber of Atameken; and etc.

In Africa:

♦ Chamber of Commerce of the Democratic Republic of the Congo;

♦ Chamber of Commerce of Zambia; and etc.

Eurasian Resources Group is actively involved in the life of local communities living in areas where the company is active. Under the leadership of Benedict, the Group allocates significant funds to programs to improve and optimize business, for example, the Chinese initiative “One Belt, One Way”. The group also finances charitable organizations and projects working to improve living conditions for the population of partner countries in need.

In Africa, the Eurasian Resources Group is investing in building schools in the DRC, notorious for the widespread use of child labor in cobalt mining, and supplying them with the necessary supplies. In an interview on this subject, Benedict Sobotka says: “ Unfortunately, the likelihood that the cobalt used in the production of your phone is mined by child labor tends to 100% . Of course, the introduction of ethical production methods can make a difference, but right now we must do everything in our power to solve the problem of child labor. ”

All enterprises of the group operating on the territory of the DRC do not involve children in the extraction or production of cobalt.

The Eurasian Resources Group also works with charities that combat child labor and violence against women and children in the DRC.

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