As many of your who have been reading my opinions about Natural Cancer Cures know that I highly favor eating organic 100% raw fruits and vegetables whenever possible to get the appropriate enzymes, vitamins, nutrition and minerals for maintaining an internal alkaline environment for maximum health. I acquired this opinion from viewing the Charlotte Gerson Video series, and hearing Charlotte speak in detail about the main components of The Gerson Therapy, as well as hearing her patients’ testimonials, who have been cured of a variety of diseases with the Therapy 15 and 45 years ago with no return of the disease.

Well, it seems that in 1971 the U.S. Government came to the same conclusion as Dr. Gerson did in 1928… that a person with ANY DISEASE could be CURED WITH GOOD ORGANIC FOOD! I believe that my passionate research about Natural Cancer Cures has spiritually attracted my access to this very special report which was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1971, and paid for by WE THE PEOPLE to the tune of $35 Million Dollars! Yet, our wonderful federal government (or at least the Pharmaceutical Industry’s “paid” U.S. Representatives and/or Senators) confiscated all copies of this study before WE THE PEOPLE had a chance to get any knowledge of it, and apparently, it somehow got buried in the isolated and dusty Reference-Only Stacks of libraries, only to accidentally surface five years later in 1976, when it was discovered in one of those libraries! The information is self-explanatory, so I will just recreate it verbatim here, so that you, the American People can finally learn what our government has conclusively known for almost 40 years! The following is PAGE 1-11 of this very important REPORT…

By C. Edith Weir,
Assistant Director, Human Nutrition Research Division, Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture

Issued August 1971
By Science and education Staff
United States Department of Agriculture
Washington, D.C.

Better health, a longer active lifespan, and greater satisfaction from work, family and leisure time are among the benefits to be obtained from improved diets and nutrition. Advances in nutrition knowledge and its application during recent decades have played a major role in reducing the number of infant and maternal deaths, deaths from infectious diseases, particularly among children, and in extending the productive lifespan and life expectancy. Significant benefits are possible both from new knowledge of nutrient and food need and from more complete application of existing knowledge. The nature and magnitude of these benefits is estimated in Table 1. Potential benefits may accrue from alleviating nutrition-related health problems, from increased individual performance and satisfactions and increased efficiency in food services. A vast reservoir of health and economical benefits can be made available by research yet to be done on human nutrition.

Major Health Problems are diet related. Most all of the health problems underlying the leading causes of death in the United States (Fig. 1) could be modified by improvements in diet. The relationship of diet to these health problems and others is discussed in greater detail later in this report. Death rates for many of these conditions are higher in the U.S. than in other countries of comparable economic development. Expenditures for health car in the U.S. are sky-rocketing, accounting for 67.2 billion dollars in 1970, or 7.0 percent of the entire U.S gross national product.

The real potential from improved diet is preventive. Existing evidence is inadequate for estimating potential benefits from improved diets in terms of health. Most nutritionists and clinicians feel that the real potential from improved diet is preventative in that it may defer or modify the development of a disease state so that a clinical condition does not develop. The major research thrust, nationwide, has been on the role of diet in treating health problems after they have developed. This approach has had limited success. USDA research emphasis has been placed on food needs of normal, healthy persons and findings from this work have contributed much of the existing knowledge on their dietary requirements.

Benefits would be shared by all. Benefits from better nutrition, made possible by improved diets, would be available to the entire population. Each age, sex, ethnic, economic, and geographic segment would be benefited. The lower economic and non-white population groups would benefit most from effective application of current knowledge. These savings are only a small part of what might be accomplished for h entire population from research yet to be done. Some of the improvements can b expressed as dollar benefits to individuals or to the nation. The social and personal benefits are harder to quantify and describe. It is difficult to place a dollar figure on the avoidance of pain or the loss of a family member; satisfactions from healthy, emotionally adjusted families; career achievement; and the opportunity to enjoy leisure time.

Major health benefits are long range. Predictions of the extent to which diet may be involved in the development of various health problems have been based on current knowledge of metabolic pathways of nutrients, but primarily of abnormal metabolic pathways developed by person in advanced stages of disease. There is little understanding of when or why these metabolic changes take place. The human body is a complex and very adaptive mechanism. For most essential metabolic processes alternate pathways exist which can be utilized in response to physiological, diet, or other stress. Frequently, a series of adjustments take place and the ultimate result does not become apparent for a long time, even years, when a metabolite such as cholesterol accumulates. Early adjustment of diet could prevent the development of undesirable long-range effects. Minor changes in diet and food habits instituted at tan early age might well avoid the need for major changes, difficult to adopt later in life.

Regional differences in diet related problems. The existence of regional differences in the incidence of health problems has been generally recognized and a wide variation in death rates still exists among geographic areas. These differences in death rate may reflect the cumulative effect of chronic low intake levels of some nutrients throughout the lifespan and by successive generation. A number of examples of regional health problems attributable to differences in the nutrient content of food or to dietary pattern could be given. Perhaps the best know is ”the goiter belt” where soils and plants were low in iodine and the high incidence and death rate of goiter was reduced when the diet was supplements with iodine. Another situation existed in some of the southern states where pellagra was a scourge a few decades ago. Corn was the major food protein source for low income families in these areas. The resulting niacin deficiency raised the incidence of pellagra to epidemic proportions.

Migration from the high death rate areas almost always results in a reduction in the death rate, although the improvement never approaches the level achieved by those who were born and continued to live in the low rate areas. Similarly, persons who move from low rate areas into higher rate areas lose part of the advantage. If the death rate for one of the high death rate areas, Wiles Barre, Pennsylvania were applied to the entire U.S. population, 140,489 more persons under 65 would have died per year during the period 1959-61. If the death rate for one of the lower rater ears, Nebraska, had prevailed, there would have been 131,634 fewer deaths. The highest death rate areas generally correspond to those where agriculturists have recognized the soil as being depleted for several years. This suggests a possible relationship between submarginal diets and health of succeeding generations.

Need you READ MORE?????!!!! Our Government spent $35 million of the American People’s Money in 1971 to determine that DIET HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH!!!!

My questions to you is have you started YOUR family eating ORGANIC fruits and vegetables EVERYDAY yet??? …I have!

Author's Bio: 

Annie Pierce has been a practicing herbal enthusiast for over 30 years making compounds for the healing of family and friends. About 25 years ago she cured herself from the beginning stages of Breast Cancer by creating a powerful blood cleanser made of 36 powerful herbs historically known to rid the body of toxins and cleanse the blood.

In 2009 she began researching Natural Cancer Cures and created her first blog, and one year later created another new and improved blog site which contains articles as well as videos for its visitors' educational experience. Together the two sites attract over 12,000 monthly Unique Visitors and the numbers are growing rapidly.