When skin feels tight and is dry or flaky, it is begging to be moisturized. Do not ignore this plea or the situation can worsen, resulting in wrinkles. Applying a moisturizing skin cream as needed can prevent skin from aging before it should. Regular moisturizing is a safe, simple, and inexpensive way to fight the signs of aging and keep skin feeling as great as it looks. Find a good moisturizer and stick with a regular routine and many benefits will follow.

Aside from cleansing, moisturizing is the most important thing we can do for our skin. Moisturizers create a barrier between skin and the environment that often harms it. This protective layer also enables skin to retain a sufficient amount of moisture, preventing it from becoming dry and cracked. Moisturized skin is healthy skin and everyone takes notice. Skin that is not regularly moisturized tends to develop wrinkles, making even a young person look elderly.

People with dry or already aging skin benefit most from a regular moisturizing routine but even people with oily skin should moisturize. An oil-free moisturizer prevents excess oil from accumulating on oil-prone skin while retaining moisture required to keep skin soft and supple. After cleaning their skin, everyone should apply a moisturizing cream. Makeup can be applied on top and the moisturizer will help to hold it in place. A good moisturizer also protects skin from UV rays that can cause premature aging. Applying moisturizer before going to bed nourishes the skin throughout the night.

Moisturizers are generally classified as either water based or cream based. The thickest moisturizers in both categories are best for skin that is dry or wrinkled, though a cream based version tends to be most effective. An oil-free moisturizer that is water based is best for someone with oily skin. Natural moisturizers that contain botanical ingredients have become very popular because they feel light on skin while still providing a protective layer.

Many people do not realize how severely wind, sun, and exposure to airborne pollutants can harm the skin. A moisturizing cream arms skin with a defensive layer that combats harmful attacks from the environment. We are constantly hearing about free radicals that can attack and harm our skin. It is substances like these that a moisturizer protects against so apply the cream regularly and liberally to keep skin healthy.

Our bodies are comprised mostly of water and the epidermis, or outer layer of skin, holds approximately 15 percent of this liquid. Without enough moisture, the body cannot dissolve impurities and other bodily functions may be inhibited. Lack of water can even affect tissue repair and metabolism, making dehydration a very serious condition.

A moisturizing skin cream locks water into the skin, allowing the body to operate at peak performance. Moisturizers add a protective layer that fends off harmful environmental agents. Using moisturizer regularly also prevents skin from drying, cracking, and aging. Do the skin and the body a favor by moisturizing at least daily and more frequently, when necessary.

Author's Bio: 

Jessica has written numerous article on health care products. For more information about tilthbeauty please visit natural skin care and natural skin care products.