We try to analyze all data from hosting providers that are top on the market, we analyze the server performance and after we test their service we made reviews about what they can offer for the costumers. We have a team that has big experience on servers and our team is getting more information from costumers that we serve for hosting services.
Because the needs can be very different than others is important before you decide what is better for your website, to keep in mind how you will use the hosting service and what your costumers need when they enter to your pages.

Before you buy a web hosting plan, try to remember that there are some of important factors that you need to keep in your mind, factors like: speed of the server, security of the server, how many tools you have in your dashboard, how many updates are making the hosting provider for every service that give to you, how much is the bandwidth of your hosting plan, if they give you extra addon domain, or how much you need to pay for extra addon domain, how big is the space on the server, if they have ssd space or they use old type of memory, they give to you a cron job for your task, or not, how fast is loading a website page, how much nodes they give to you, how many threads they offer for your plan? is a dedicated server or is a shared hosting, is a cloud hosting or is not?

Where the servers are located? because this is very important for you too, if you are in a country and your costumers ar more than 90% from your country, but your server is located in a far away country, than this detail will affect your page load, by decreasing the speed for your costumers.

You see, there are so many aspects when you decide to buy a hosting. I don't know if you did know this before, or not, or if you did, me be when you was in the situation to buy a hosting service, you didn't take a look on this.
And what we think that is very important, and many peoples didn't take a look on that, is how secure are their services, and how often they make backups, this will save you allot of time if will be in a situation of hack. And from that point you will need to see how good are the team of programming to fix your hack, or if is possible to fix with a minor effort like to put a old version from last day of your backup that you have on the server as a service provided for you for hosting team.

Anyway, hope that our honest reviews of web hosting providers will help you allot to decide what is the best hosting for you. But please just think more before you buy any hosting plans, from any providers. We can help you if you contact as, a free advice, without need to pay for anything, just to talk as a potential partner in the future.

Author's Bio: 

We try to analyze all data from Best 10 hosting providers that are top on the market, we analyze the server performance and after we test their service we made reviews about what they can offer for the costumers. We have a team that has big experience on servers and our team is getting more information from costumers that we serve for hosting services. Because the needs can be very different than others is important before you decide what is better for your website, to keep in mind how you will use the hosting service and what your costumers need when they enter to your pages. Anyway, hope that our honest reviews of web hosting providers will help you allot to decide what is the best hosting for you.