Best Blackhead Removal Beauty Tools

Blackheads are small, dark lesions that appear on the skin, often on the face, shoulder, chest and the neck. Blackheads are one of the most common forms of acne. Although people who have oily skin are more vulnerable to blackheads, anyone can get them. They form when pores become clogged with a combination of the dark pigment made by cells in the skin and excess oil (sebum) from your sebaceous glands. It’s not unusual for anyone to be tempted to try to pinch or push the black plug out, but this can cause unnecessary scarring and other damage to your skin.

Blackheads often occurs when dirt gets trapped in the skin, but fear not! the development of blackheads isn’t always related to the cleanliness of the skin. Other acne lesions are usually closed, but in blackheads, the skin around the clogged pore opens, air gets in causing the collected sebum oil or dead skin cells to oxidize and turn black or sometimes yellowish. We’re going to look at some of the causes of blackheads, the do’s and the don’ts and how to get rid of them using the right blackhead removal beauty tools and also acne treatment beauty tools.


Causes of Blackheads?

You think blackheads are caused by a bad diet or stress? Well not always. Extreme stress sometimes might cause you to slack off on your skincare routine. But stress itself won't directly cause clogged pores.

Here’s what really causes blackheads;

If you sleep in your makeup, allow sweat and pollutants to remain on your skin, or use oil-based cosmetics on an oily or acne-prone complexion, you'll definitely be vulnerable to blackheads.

  • Oily skin is more likely to develop blackheads, because there's more oil available to become trapped in your pores
  • Dry skin would seem to protect you from blackheads, but that's not always the case. When your skin becomes dehydrated, your skin may overreact by producing too much oil. This oil can get trapped in your pores along with dead skin, producing blackheads and flaky, dry skin. Using too many harsh products, spending too much time in the sun, and skimping on moisturiser all increase the odds that this will happen.
  • Genetic Predisposition;

Among other things, your genes influence how you regulate and are affected by hormones. Your body might produce a similar level of the main puberty hormone, androgen as a friend’s or colleague’s body. But, depending on your genetic make-up the way your hormones affect your predisposition to developing blackheads will be different.


Dos and Don’ts of blackheads

The Do’s

Rest and relaxation:

Getting enough rest and avoiding stress can also help, as stress can trigger sebum production. Exercise can help reduce stress.

Do clean your skin every morning and night with an oil-free cleanser:

Excess sebum can clog pores, as can dead skin cells and other impurities. Bacteria forms and acne results in the form whiteheads or blackheads.

Treat Topically:                                                                                      

Topical acne treatments that contain active ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide helps to kill bacteria that settles on your skin, and also reduce oil production in areas prone to blackheads. Topical treatments are effective for many people and you can even see improvement within a few days. Even after blackheads disappear, you may need to continue using some blackhead removal beauty tools to prevent future breakouts.

Use a Retinoid

Topical retinoid are synthetic derivatives of vitamin A that can deliver a couple of benefits for clearing up your skin. First, they help unplug existing blackheads, which can increase the effectiveness of other topical treatments. They also act as preventive care, working to cut down on the formation of future lesions. If your blackheads are a result of acne, retinoid are especially effective.


The Don’ts

Don’t go to bed with makeup on:

Makeup contains talc and titanium dioxide and other powders that can clog pores. And be sure to wash your hair often, especially if you exercise.

Don’t over-scrub:

Harsh scrubs can irritate the skin and exacerbate the problem, so stay away from the large-grain exfoliators like walnut or almond and use gentle exfoliators like rice or jojoba instead. Use a gentle exfoliator several times a week to remove dead skin cells and other impurities to keep pores clear and open.

Don’t Squeeze the Spot

Overly tempting to try to extract them, but squeezing blackheads may irritate them further and even cause scarring. It’s better to avoid touching blackheads at all. If you are in need of immediate extraction, seek the assistance of a professional.

Don’t treat with Hydrogen Peroxide

Regardless of whether you have sensitive skin or not, it’s a safe bet to treat blackheads with gentle products that are free of fragrances and irritants. Hydrogen peroxide is a commonly misused solution and is neither a gentle nor a valid long-term treatment. Hydrogen peroxide can reduce both inflammation and lesion size over short-term periods of up to six weeks, but it’s also an industrial-strength cleaner and bleaching agent.

How To Get Rid of Them?

Blackheads can be very frustrating when treating and sometimes may even look like they’re there to stay, but! I am here to tell you that you can rid yourself of them. It may take a while depending on your skin type but you can treat them.

Here are some blackheads and acne treatment beauty tools that can help.

Use a clay mask

Clay masks are often considered must-haves for oily skin. They work by retrieving dirt, oil, and other elements deep from your pores. As far as blackheads are concerned, clay masks can even loosen and remove clogged pores. It doesn’t matter the clay mask you use just as long as it’s right for your skin, you can use it once a week in addition to your once- or twice-weekly exfoliating treatment.

For home treatment, start by cleansing

Your first step should always be to cleanse your face. Cleansing is best done twice a day: Once in the morning and once again at the end of your day. If you work out in the middle of the day or get sweaty, you may want to wash your face again. However, try to avoid over-cleansing. This can dry out your skin and cause more dead skin cells and sebum to accumulate in your pores. The type of cleanser you use can also make a difference in blackhead removal and prevention.




Use an extractor tool

After loosening your pores and applying a mask, you may try to remove deep black heads with an extractor tool. Research shows that there are many blackheads extracting tools like the ultrasonic deep face laser facial scrubber machine.Whow! That’s probably going to be hard to remember, but with the help of a doctor you’ll be fine.

For more stubborn blackheads, you could also use a laser light acne treatment pen to exfoliate the skin and draw out excess oils and impurities.


Don’t forget to moisturize


Moisturizing is a crucial step in any skin care routine, even if you’ve got acne-prone skin. Opt for a light moisturizer that won’t clog your pores which could cause further breakouts. And remember whatever you do, don’t squeeze or try to pinch out a blackhead. Especially if you can’t safely extract it the first time around.



Author's Bio: 

Omali is a registered Dermatologist from the famous university of Pennsylvania in the United States of America. She has since worked in various capacities across various international beauty lounges in LA and Nevada. You can always trust her beauty tips and recommendations. She runs her gadget e-commerce line at