If you are enthusiastic about photography, there is a good possibility that you want to improve your photography skill. Most people will tell you to gain more and more experience to do that. Well, they aren't wrong. But gaining knowledge is not something you can do overnight.

You will need to spend a lot of time, effort, and patience, though there are some tips to enhance your photography skill quickly. Expert photographers advised some excellent rules to follow that will make you a good photographer in a moment.

In this article, we have collected some of these tips that will improve your photography skill instantly. We believe they will if you follow them correctly, reach your pictures to the next level.

8 Excellent Photography Techniques in 2020

1. Move closer

Commonly, you keep some space in the frame while you shoot. Well, It's not bad. But there are some moments when you need to fill your frame with your subject. Keeping too much space or distance from the main subject might cause the image to look rather unfriendly.

It would be best if you make the viewer feel like they are there. So, sometimes try to move closer. Capture their facial expression and some other details. Be careful not to get too close so that the photo becomes blurry.

2. Use the light to your advantage

Look for the light direction before you shoot. Make sure no harsh or disturbing light appears in the view. Keep the light source slightly on the side of your subject. Find out a direction to face you’re subject to, where light and shadows match ideally without looking dark or blurry.

Try to avoid flash while you are shooting indoors. Instead, raise the ISO and Aperture at your preferred amount.

3. Shoot in the Magic Hour

Magic hour is the time after the sunrise and before the sunset. It is also called the 'Golden Hour' for photography. In that period, the daylight becomes softer. It is the perfect time to take pictures. In the golden hour, the sunlight balances with the car lights, lit windows, street lights, etc.

Try to shoot two hours before the sunset or within two hours after the sunrise. The natural lighting will be excellent with no sharp shadow. And indeed, your pictures will look more interesting than the other period of the day.

4. Try different perspectives

Perspective can change the meaning of a scene totally upside down. Sometimes the point of view becomes the main feature of an image. We are used to seeing various pictures from a regular perspective.

If you now capture from a conventional perspective, it may not be something interesting. Always try to capture images from a different angle. Sometimes the outcomes will amaze you. You can even create some illusion by doing so.

5. Keep a simple background

In a picture, your main subject must be the one who gets the viewer's most attention. So watch out for any distractions like dustbins, ugly signs, or weird stuff. Do not let them in your frame.

If your frame catches something like that in it, move your subject or the camera to remove it. Also, be aware of any pole or tree branches that look like growing from your subject's head.

6. Use lens filter

Adding a lens filter to your camera will make a massive difference in your photography experience. Try using a polarized lens filter at first. It will give you control over the type and amount of light.

You can reduce glare and haze with this. While you are keeping a bright sky in your frame, a polarizing filter can prove itself very useful. It is best for nature and landscape shots. You will also find it quite helpful for underwater photography.

7. Use grid and leading lines

If you are genuinely motivated to capture good pictures, you probably always wonder where to put your main subject in the frame. Keeping the main subject in the center is too ordinary. Try using 3:3 grids and put your main subject on a grid line.

It's an effortless and effective technique to get a good shot. You can also place the main subject on the path of leading lines. 'Leading lines' means the lines from the shape of any object that goes somewhere—for example- staircase railing, rail line, etc.

8. Use photo editor

You might be frowning after seeing this point in this article of photography tips. But image editing is a part of photography. You can call it 'the final touch'. You can change some minor or significant details of your captured images by using a good photo editor.

Sometimes adding Photoshop photo effects can give your picture a new stunning look. You can experiment with color, saturation, brightness to see which suits your image. Cropping images often enhances the view too. Just be careful not to make your picture look over-processed while you edit.


Photography is to think out of the box. You can't fix rules in a creative job like that. But it would be best if you keep practicing and following these rules in most cases. You will understand later when to break the rules. While you are desperately looking for ways to capture excellent shots, these rules can lead you to your destination.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.