Having a credit doesn’t mean you should be afraid to use it. You just have to be educated about your credit card to know how it works and what really does and doesn’t. Don’t be fooled by some scams online that tell you that they can raise your score for you in a jiff. There is no magic word to get them up very quickly. It takes effort and time to make that happen. Here are some tips for you to handle your credit card the way it should be.

1. Keep using your card—wisely!

Using your card will help you earn points for your credit scores as well. Not using your card will only result in the closing of your account. It will ruin your credit history and it will be very hard for you to open or re-open an account in the future. Not only that, even if you’re not using your card, you’ll still be paying for it, so you might as well use it. The technique for this is to stay below the limit, at least 25%. It’ll make lenders and banks see that you know how to use your card wisely and that you are aware of your limits.

2. Finish your debts and pay bills on time

If you want to build your credit score and handle your card at the same, you better be paying your bills regularly. It’s a quick way to give your score a boost, plus, it keeps your credit healthy. Did you know that missing a payment will leave your credit report scarred for 7-10 years? If you can prevent that from happening, the better your credit score will turn out to be. Try to pay in advance or try to pay a larger sum than what is required. You’ll be helping yourself finish your debts faster while paying for lower interest rates every other time.

3. Check your credit report regularly

Your credit has to be checked for some errors or fishy transactions. Report them immediately to your agency. Get a free credit report every year from the three credit agencies. Get a hold of a new one every 3-4 months. That way you’ll be able to keep track of every detail on your credit.

These are simple yet legal ways on how you can keep your credit healthy. You’ll get yourself into deeper trouble if you go for those scams.

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Wondering, how can I check my free credit report? Get your credit report and credit score free & keep your credit history good for a happy financial life.