Menopausal women should eat differently. Hormones are changing, metabolism is changing, and everything feels a little off-kilter. A diet that is higher in protein and healthy fats while lower in unrefined carbs is key to negotiating these changes. Adding in menopause relief supplements is a good idea as well. Here are a few recipes to get you started on the path to healthy eating.
Berry Avocado Smoothie
Sometimes called a California Smoothie, this is a great option for breakfast or a post-workout snack. The fruit gives you much-needed complex carbs, vitamins, and healthy sugars, while the avocado is loaded with healthy fat that makes you feel full.
There are as many ways to make this smoothie as there are people who drink it. Basically, you can choose your favorite ingredients in any ratio you'd like and blend them in a blender. Ingredients to consider include:
• A mix of berries, frozen or fresh
• Half an avocado
• Any type of milk or yogurt
• Flax or chia seeds
• Protein powder
• Stevia or monk fruit
Drink this each day with your menopause supplements and you just may find your menopause mood swings becoming less severe. A healthy diet combined with quality supplements is one of your best defenses against unexpected changes in mood.
Salmon Rice Bowls
Salmon is a true powerhouse food thanks to its abundance of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Make a quick and easy salmon rice bowl to combat menopausal changes. Prepare the salmon any way you prefer. You may use it in the rice bowl hot or chilled.
Add to the salmon rice, sliced avocado, soy sauce, a little mayo, and sesame oil. Mix it all together until well-coated. If you like a little kick in there, add a couple of teaspoons of sriracha.
This is the basic recipe. Feel free to add chopped veggies such as green onions, carrots, or broccoli to the bowl. You can even sprinkle some sesame seeds or a few peanuts on top.
Roasted Fish With Vegetables
You can use your favorite fish and your favorite veggies here. Try trout, cod, or mahi-mahi for the fish. For the vegetables, choose any firm veggie, such as:
• White or sweet potatoes
• Brussels sprouts
• Green beans
• Carrots
• Onions
Chop your vegetables into bite-size pieces. Toss with two tablespoons of olive oil and kosher salt and pepper to taste. You can also add minced garlic if you like. Spread into a rimmed pan and roast at 400° for 20-30 minutes. Add the fish and roast another 15-20 minutes until the fish is cooked through and the veggies are soft.
A common question is "Are hormones high or low during menopause?" The answer is that they fluctuate and can go in either direction. A healthy diet high in protein and full of veggies and fruits along with menopausal supplements can ease the severity of hormonal fluctuation symptoms.
Start your healthy eating plan today with these and other recipes. By making a few changes to your diet, you can improve your quality of life during and after menopause.

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Winter 2023 Recipes