If you're on the basketball floor, especially if you're playing the guard position, it's important to be able to dribble the ball properly. When you combine the fundamentals, with the correct moves you will be able to improve virtually every aspect of your game, and also make your game more entertaining for the people that are sitting down spending their time watching you.

Dribbling is a big part of basketball. However, not everyone is able to do this effectively. Some players make shooting the basketball look easy, where others make dribbling look easy.

Next time that you watch basketball being played, notice how much the ball is being dribbled by a player. With that being the case, it's very important to be able to dribble the ball very well. This cannot be stressed enough.

With that being the case, it's important to ensure that you get down the basics of handling the basketball and the easier moves as well before we discuss the putting the ball through your legs.


When you're dribbling the basketball, it's important that you're able to dribble it with your finger pads and not your palm. This is important, because you're able to get a better feel for the basketball, and it also provides a better cushion when the ball travels back up to you from the floor. It's also important to ensure that you keep your head up and that you're on the balls of your feet which will help you with your balance in a huge way.

A crossover dribble-

This is simply a matter of switching the ball from one hand to the other, however it's important to make sure that you're in your controlled stance which consists of your knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, and your head up. The basketball should never be higher than waist level when you're dribbling, and you can even throw in a fake with your upper body to help to get the defender to commit to the opposite side that you want to go to. Work on this with both your right hand, and your left hand.

Dribbling between your legs-

Dribbling the basketball between your legs is something that you will see a lot of players do on a occasional basis. In fact, scouts and coaches will be looking for this ability as well during tryouts. Considering that, it's important that you add this to your game, this cannot be stressed enough if you're a guard. When you use this move, you should have in your mind changing direction from the defender that's making an attempt to cut you off, or even better make an aggressive attempt to steal the ball from you. Because your leg is a slight barrier between the ball and your defender, you will reduce your chances of getting the ball stolen.

-Create a stance with your body to create enough space for the basketball to pass in between your legs. Simply put one of your legs straight out in front of the other, but not to far out that you're off balance.
-Make sure that when you're dribbling, you use the pads of your fingers, which will increase the control you have of the basketball.

-Have your off hand open, and in a position to receive the basketball before you even put the ball between your legs.

-You can improve on this move quickly by leaving the ground slightly, and switching your legs before you land make sure to cross the ball in between your legs every time you do this. This can be worked on anywhere you have the space as well as a basketball. You can also do this if you're walking somewhere. Take your basketball, and see if you can dribble between your legs while you're walking.

Not only is basketball great for your from a exercise standpoint, but if you're serious about getting to the highest levels and eventually getting paid to play, then you need to work on these fundamentals of basketball. If you're a guard, then this move is one of those fundamentals under ball handling. When you increase your fundamentals, you dramatically improve your chances of making it to a semi-pro, or even professional level in the sport of basketball. This move could be difficult for you to pick up on, or it could be easy for you to pick up on, regardless of how quickly you learn it, this move it well worth your time learning.

Author's Bio: 

Daniel Washington is a expert on athletic performance and basketball skills. If you would like a video tutorial on dribbling the basketball between the legs move then visit our website. Thank you for reading this article on between the legs dribble for basketball.