There has perhaps never been a better time to venture into the fitness business. The company business profile submission is booming and that too when we are surrounded by recession and economic turmoil. So if you are a personal trainer and want to start a business, the prospects are indeed very bright for you. But in the rush to take advantage of being an early mover, you must not botch up your steps if you want to succeed. A personal trainer business startup, like all other ventures needs to be done in a planned manner too.

The following steps can help you complete your personal trainer business startup in a smooth manner:

Step 1
You should start off by getting your business plan ready. It doesn't have to be a very detailed dossier of facts and figures. Just an outline is enough if it covers vital aspects such as:

Your budget and the different expense heads.

Projected returns for a quarter or longer periods such as a year.

Profile of the target market in terms of spending power, health needs, common diseases and propensity to work-out.

Profile of your competitors. This will include all personal trainers who carry on business within the geographical area you are targeting or in other words have the same target market as you.

The tools of marketing that you wish to use and your estimated budget for promotions.

The business plan can assist you greatly when you are seeking a bank loan to obtain personal trainer business startup funds. If the bank authorities see that you have a professional and schematic approach, more often than not your loan will be sanctioned provided your projections and estimates are viable.

Step 2
This stage of the personal trainer business startup begins when you have the required funds to invest. You can choose to train your clients at their homes or at your own gym. The first option can be useful if your target clientele is well-off and so don't have any problems in buying the equipment that you suggest. But having a training facility of your own will enable you train even those clients who may be averse to the idea of spending money to buy their own equipment.

So you need to invest in a gym fitted with those equipments that are required for your area of personal training.

You also need to invest in an office space that has a computer with internet connection and a telephone. This will, provide you with a place to have meetings with prospects as well as give you a professional image.

Step 3
A personal trainer business startup also requires that you promote your new business. Unless people get to know who you are, what you do and how they can get access to you, all the previous steps will be rendered useless.

So try to use cheap and effective ideas such as direct mailing and using your own network of family and friends to spread the word in your local area at first. You can also try promotional campaigns such as free trial sessions (one or two) and discounts for clients who can refer someone else.

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