By saved we are talking about the financial situation that America is in at the present time. Do I think that America can be saved???
Absolutely! But, only if we recognize some basic principles.
The first of these principles is that we have to recognize who the enemy is! And, who is the enemy? It is plain and simple. The enemy is none other than the worldwide banking industry. So, let me explain why I am making this statement!
Banks have been notorious for stealing people’s money and/or property. A prime example of this is in post World War II when the Nazi
Government was imprisoning the entire Jewish population for the crime of simply being Jewish. Most of these people had their bank accounts in Switzerland because of the banking secrecy laws that were in existence there at that time. Was this a good thing at that time? Possibly! But, let me explain what was happening or what eventually happened. I do not know what came first.
Prior to World War II Hitler blamed all of the financial problems in Germany onto the Jewish Nation and this was easy to do. Although
Hitler was himself a partial Jew he blamed all of Germany’s problems onto the Jews. He had a propaganda machine that played to the psyche of the German people. They were not at fault for losing World War I but, rather it was those terrible Jews in Germany who had all of the money.
So, now all of the Jews were in concentration camps and their money was in Swiss bank accounts. Could Germany get to the money? No! But, neither could any of the survivors of the concentration camps dead relatives. Why is this?
The Swiss Bankers realized that if they asked for a “Death Certificate” for the people who made the initial deposit that Germany would not make out a death certificate for the Dead in the Concentration Camps. So, this allowed the Swiss Banks to effectively steal the money from the dead. Imagine…all of the money that an entire group of people had was now theirs…Just by establishing a regulation. No “Death Certificate” no money. They knew that the Nazi’s would not make out “Death
Certificates”. So, they could steal this money and never give it back! I would call his as legal theft.
Let’s jump now to modern day history. The banking industry has made many test “Problems” in third world countries where the banks have all failed (under mysterious problems) and have taken the monies from many third world countries, in the middle of the night, and have never returned it because…the world has never wanted to intervene into the problems of other nations.
Emboldened by this many banks have started out to giving out loans that were not financially sound. This made “Land Grabs” possible. That is what is going on in the United States right now. It is a blatant land grab and none of the politicians are either able to see it or are allowing it to happen.
Our country is on the brink of financial ruin because of these banking procedures and we are unable to either see what is happening or else are allowing it to happen.
We now need to go back to another piece of history. Throughout the history of the United States our money has always been backed by solid commodities and these commodities were either gold or silver. In other words a dollar was worth a dollars equivalent in either gold or silver. This changed at about the same time as World War I because the gov-ernment wanted to make a change in the United States. So, we started printing “Notes” which were backed by the US Government. We began printing notes which were only a “promissory Note” between the bearer of the note and the United States Government. Are you starting to see a problem here? In other words it was just a piece of paper. Have you
ever known a person who broke his promise to you? Of course you have and this was and is the problem here. We have now a promise that has been broken.
What is the answer to this problem? To go back to financially solvent dollars! I will get to that in a moment.
Our problem is with the banks and the bankers. We put forward a new “Stimulus Bill” which said that the Banks were too big to fail and that we had to support them. However, we had a stipulation attached to that bill and it was basically this…That the banks would reloan this money into the economy so that small businesses could (with the help of these loans) start to rehiring Americans so that they could keep their homes.
Was this a reloaning of the Stimulous Money contrary to the desires of the banks? Of course it was. They promised to reloan this money and never did. So, now they were even more powerful. They had all of this money now at their disposal. I consider that they had now become
essentially a government within a government.
Also, these same bankers, around the world, convinced everyone that the United States had adopted these banking practices (the arbibitrary
printing of money if the form of “Notes”) so everyone else should copy how the US Banks were now operating… After all, wasn’t the US the most powerful country in the world? We now have most of the Free World Countries printing money and a vast majority of these countries are now in trouble.
So now we have a One-World Order when it comes to banking
principles! And, how are we going to change this?
I think that we have to go back to having our money solvent by
dissolving the “Promissory Notes Program” that it has now embodied. We cannot and should not just print out money whenever we feel like it.
We have to have something of value behind the Dollar. But, should it be Gold and Silver? I think not. Why not? Because there is only so much of these two commodities in the entire world. But, the answer lies in the last sentence and this answer lies in one simple word…commodities.
The world is built around the “Commodities Market” and there are
almost literally thousands of commodities. There is still gold and silver but, there is also copper, vanadium, manganese, rare earth minerals, and also wheat, corn, soy beans in addition to oil and natural gas! These are all items that the human species needs, in order to live a good life.
So, I am proposing that a commission be set up and determine what commodities are necessary for the American People to live a good life for this coming year and that the US Dollar is printed upon those needs. Then if the US has a budget of One Trillion Dollars for this coming year then, let’s print out one trillion dollars of “Commodity Dollars” and buy (in advance) the necessary commodities that are needed from the market place that America needs to produce a healthy way-of-life for the
upcoming year. And, every American has the right to have a dollars worth of Oil or Rare Earth Minerals, or gold, copper, silver or whatever! This will give a real dollar-to-dollar value for all commodity dollars that are on the market.
OK, now that we have addressed the banking problem let’s look at the remaining problems that now exist in the US. We need to look at the
existence of new words.
Following World War I in 1935 it was decided to set up a new insurance program that entitled each and every American a new style of Insurance Policy which was called Social Security. Everyone was mandated by law to buy and pay for this new insurance policy. And, the United States Government would be the watch-dog for this policy of yours. It was your personal property and could not be touched by anyone. This insurance policy would guarantee that you would have a good retirement in your later years….Right?
Then came Medicare and Medicaid. Also insurance policies! These
insurance policies were your own personal property! Medicare was for the average citizen while Medicaid was established for people who were at the poverty level.
So, what has happened? Because “Insurance Policies” are null and void when it comes to intervention from any outside sources (remember that this is your own personal property). The government has decided to call these policies by a different name. They are now called “Entitlements”. Who in the hell devised that word?
Anyhow, but now by calling your own personal property by a different name…by calling it “Entitlements” the United States Government can now claim this as their own property. They have now changed the word that they are calling it by and now can claim this property of yours as be-ing their own. Is this right? Of course this is not right but, the
government cannot meet its obligations under its own self-imposed
regulations. So, the government felt like it had to devise a way of steal-ing, from its own citizens, so that they can ignore the rules that had been
established in the past.
Medicare and Medicaid. Once again these are an insurance policy that is owned by you but, the government establishes its own set of rules about how and where you can spend your own money.
Remember, how a few years ago many Americans wanted to buy their drugs from across the border in Canada? Were you allowed to spend your “Pretend Money i.e. Notes” out of the country, for drugs, and were you not forbidden, by law, from doing this? Yes! And, why were you forbidden to do this? Are these other counties selling illegal or bogus drugs? Of course not. They were selling the same drugs that were being sold in the US. However, the Canadian government had lower prices on the drugs than did the US Government. So, what did the United States say about your being able to buy these drugs at a lower price? They said, “How do we know that the drugs you are getting from Canada are the real thing?” How lame was that excuse!
Here is my answer to all of that. Legal drugs should be available to
citizens of the US no matter what country was selling them.
Also, I believe that there are a lot of doctors who have been educated in the United States. I have been seen by doctors I know are from 3rd world countries who have graduated from Harvard Medical School. I know of other doctors who are graduates of Yale, UCLA and
Northwestern …So why are these doctors not able to attend to American patients and get paid by Medicare or Medicaid?
The answer to this is that the United States government has no control over these doctors and the drugs that they are prescribing to the patients. Everyone knows that the drug companies pretty much own Washington, D.C. and also the lawmakers who work there. The capital has become a place where the interests of the drug companies take precedent over the care of the individual.
Here is my answer to all of this: I believe that any doctor who is a
graduate of a major medical program in the US is capable of being paid under our basic guidelines. This will do these things: They will be able to give their patients from the US high quality and capable medical treatment. They will also be able to give quality treatments to American patients at a greatly reduced price.
They will be able to reduce the American debt for quality treatment. And they will be addressing the American problem of getting high quality candidates for major medical schools. This will also have a huge impact upon our economy by having students from around the world attending our medical schools. Not to mention the transport factor. Americans will be needing transportation to and from the foreign country. This will go a long way in helping these industries.
If you consider all of the fringe benefits that opening up the rules and regulations bring about, I think that this could have a very positive effect upon the American economy.
Not only would the Transportation Industry and the Medical Colleges be getting a huge increase in business but, the patients would be receiving quality care. And, the biggest benefit of all would be the savings to the Medicare and Medicade. Imagine getting quality care at a substantial cost savings for the people. That is what the American Economy needs at this point in time.
If you could get a Harvard Doctor who is charging $40-$45 an hour would you not think that this is an appropriate payment?

Written by Mr. Jubert Ledesma
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Author's Bio: 

Jubert Ledesma has been a Systems Engineer for 7 years.