The male prostate is significant and belongs to both the reproductive and urinary organs. Diseases that occur in the prostate include prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH), prostate tumors, etc., which will endanger men's health. So what are the links between these diseases? Can chronic prostatitis cause benign prostate hyperplasia? Let's have a look!

Can chronic prostatitis cause Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) ?

In life, many people think that prostate hyperplasia is caused after suffering from prostatitis. However, there is no inevitable connection between the two. Aging and functional testis are two critical factors in the pathogenesis of BPH.

Chronic prostatitis does not cause testicular secretion and hormone metabolism. The presence of testis indicates normal male hormone synergy, which plays a vital role in prostate hyperplasia. Therefore, chronic prostatitis does not cause prostate hyperplasia, so men need not worry too much.

Although some elderly male patients have chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia simultaneously, there is no causal relationship between them, and they should be treated separately. Some young and middle-aged male patients with chronic prostatitis, whose prostate gland surface is not smooth, feel slightly larger than normal, mistakenly think it is hyperplasia. This is prostate hypertrophy, caused by inflammatory cells infiltrating the gland or glandular tissue fibrosis. Therefore, chronic prostatitis will not cause prostate hyperplasia!

What is the difference between chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia?

1. Etiology. Chronic prostatitis is generally caused by not paying attention to personal hygiene, causing bacterial infection, sitting for a long time, smoking and drinking for a long time, and delayed treatment of chronic inflammation. Prostatic hyperplasia is a common disease in older men, which is mainly induced by many factors, such as the role of androgen and receptors, imbalance of cell proliferation, and apoptosis.

2. The onset age is different. Chronic prostatitis can occur in all stages of men, especially in young and middle-aged people. Prostatic hyperplasia is generally seen in male patients aged 50-60 or more. With the increase of age, the number of people with benign prostatic hyperplasia will gradually increase.

3. Symptoms. Patients with chronic prostatitis usually have urethral discomfort, frequent urination, urgency, incontinence, abdominal pain, and scrotal hot flashes. Patients with BPH will often have frequent urination, the speed of urination, increased nocturia, incontinence, dysuria, and urinary bifurcation.

How to treat chronic prostatitis?

Although chronic prostatitis will not lead to prostate hyperplasia, if not treated in time, chronic seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, posterior urethritis, cystitis, and other diseases will occur, seriously endangering the health of the male genitourinary system. The treatment of chronic prostatitis is mainly carried out according to the patient's symptoms to relieve symptoms.

If the patient has no apparent symptoms, it can be temporarily observed and not treated. If the patient has evident characteristics and has seriously affected the quality of life, it is necessary to intervene with drugs under the doctor's guidance.
The commonly used drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, antibiotics, and so on. The course of antibiotic treatment for chronic bacterial prostatitis is 4-6 weeks. Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis can be treated with oral fluoroquinolone and other antibiotics for 2 to 4 weeks. If the symptoms are alleviated, antibiotics can be continued to be used, and the general total course of treatment is also 4-6 weeks.

The traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a good choice for nonbacterial prostatitis that most antibiotics cannot treat. It can eliminate patients' symptoms without harming the body like antibiotics. Also, it works effectively and directly into reproductive system and urinary system, to completely clear up infections.

Patients can also relieve symptoms through massage, hyperthermia, etc. Proper massage can increase the local drug concentration and empty the prostate gland tube to alleviate inflammation. Thermotherapy is physical therapy. It can improve the blood circulation of prostate tissue through heat effect and has a good impact on reducing inflammation and eliminating tissue edema.

If men want to treat chronic prostatitis well, they must change the existing lousy living conditions. Go to bed early and get up early. Also, they should avoid prostate congestion. Otherwise, the symptoms of prostatitis will become worse. And patients should also avoid frequent interruptions of sexual life because these behaviors can cause abnormal prostate congestion, making the disease severity. In life, men should also avoid the generation of sexual impulses because sexual impulses can also lead to prostate congestion, thus aggravating the symptoms of prostatitis.

As for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, if the symptoms are mild, they can be observed first, including regular detection of the condition, to ensure that no complications occur and no treatment is needed temporarily. If patients with BPH have more complex symptoms, most doctors will also let patients relieve the symptoms through drug treatment and changing bad life and eating habits.

In the current treatment methods, in addition to drug treatment, surgery is generally required if the patient's prostate hyperplasia is relatively severe. The surgical treatment includes transurethral prostatectomy, etc. Surgical treatment can solve the problem of benign prostatic hyperplasia once and for all, but it also has disadvantages. It will lead to urinary incontinence, bleeding, and the risk of disease recurrence. Therefore, patients can choose according to their actual conditions.

The above is about whether chronic prostatitis can cause benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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