If you are looking for a long-term investment that can help put money in your pocket and provide for your future, then one possibility could be to rent out a property to tenants. If so you might need to look at your buy to let mortgage options available to you. This will allow you to let your property and might also have the potential to help you move further up the property ladder.
Of course, using a house or flat as an asset to generate income and provide a potential nest egg for later years can depend on a number of factors. Just one would be that rented accommodation continues to have the potential for high returns and another factor would be that housing prices are strong when and if you decide to sell up.

It is also important to think about the differences between a buy to let mortgage and any other mortgage(s) you may already have in place. This can be particularly important when it comes to looking at the terms of the loan. For example, loan fees can be higher on buy to let mortgages than standard mortgages. Plus, they will also require a deposit. Loan amounts can usually be calculated according to how much rental income the property is expected to produce, but many providers may also be able to talk you through the possibilities available to you over the phone or in-branch.

By making the decision to become a landlord, there are however, a number of other questions you might want to ask yourself. The first of these might be 'am I confident about my rented property?' If you believe the property will be in high demand then that might go in your favour. But if you find yourself with a property that is unoccupied for any long period of time, you could need to be prepared to cover the cost of the mortgage while it is empty.

Another thing you may want to think about is managing the property. For example, you will need to consider the upkeep cost of your property - regardless of whether or not it is occupied at that time. If you opt for a letting agent, you may be expected to hand over a percentage of your monthly rental income. But if this is just for the purposes of simply finding the occupants in the first place, this will generally be less – but will depend on the provider

Of course, once you have made a decision on all of these things, you might also want some more information. There are many different products available in such a competitive market, from fixed rate to tracker mortgages. It is not uncommon for providers to have a range of competitive deals, which may vary in terms of flexibility and interest options. If you are still struggling to come to a decision over whether or not to go ahead, you might want to consider contacting a mortgage broker or financial advisor.

Author's Bio: 

Leon Mellor is a writer, editor and podcaster from Manchester, England. Having produced and revised copy for a number of major financial institutions, he is highly experienced across a range of economic matters. Noel's money saving tips are especially focused around fixed rate ISAs and to find the best savings accounts.