Identifying the different symptoms of cancer is an important function for women after post-menopausal age. There are visible signs as well as signs that are often misunderstood as indicators of breast cancer. Our Canadian pharmacy covers different aspects including signs that may not actually be a prelude to breast cancer.

Is Family history of Breast Cancer Really Responsible for Increased Numbers?

A misconception among most women is that family history of breast cancer plays an important part in indicating whether individuals born in the same family may also inherit breast cancer. Just 10% cases have genetic factors increasing risk factors. BRCA1 and BRCa2 found in families are genes increasing risk of cancer; however, they are rarely found in women.

Experts have shown family history does not play a big part in developing the disease. Changes in the atmosphere and lifestyle are principal reasons for increased risks of breast cancer. For instance, similar conditions did not exist 75 years ago. Women have through the years changed in a way that allows genes to play a more active role than earlier.

Abnormal changes take place triggering genetic changes responsible for increasing risk of cancer. Our generic Canadian pharmacy points out other factors like obesity, impurities in food, pesticides, plastics, and other man-made products have contributed to hormonal changes increasing risk of breast cancer.

Breast Pain May Not Be Breast Cancer Indicator

Breast pain is quite common in women of all ages, so it should not necessarily be taken as a definite sign of breast cancer. An active lifestyle and sensitivity to different changes taking place in the body influence the way it reacts to them. Women experience changes in the breasts due to internal as well as external factors.

Pain is just one response factor, a result of abnormal conditions occurring in the body. Discomfort can also occur on experiencing breathing difficulties. Side effects of a medical regimen may be responsible for such symptoms as well. A medical practitioner is ideally suited to identify and treat breast pain; however, likelihood of the symptom resulting in breast cancer is really low.

Understanding Why Normal Hormonal Changes Can Still Lead To Breast Cancer

Three common factors responsible for the disease are estrogen, progesterone, and the Her2 protein. But breast cancer is complicated and may not always be the case when lab tests indicate positive results for any of these factors. One must also look out for what is known as triple negative breast cancer. Tissue samples show negative results is for all three factors, but the cancer is very aggressive and requires powerful treatment options.

People buy Femara from our generic Canadian pharmacy to lower estrogen levels in post-menopausal women. It is usually prescribed to combat aggressive malignant breast tumors under medical supervision. It is also given to patients before surgery, if medical practitioners feel it will help patients recover faster. Factors leading to cancer may differ in time, but researchers are keeping in touch with varying factors leading to complications arising in different cancers. Dealing with breast cancer becomes easier when detailed information is available with physicians.

Author's Bio: 

I am a Canadian writer and I have been working within the health and pharmaceutical industry for several years. I believe that ordering medication from Canadian pharmacies is a great solution for US citizens who currently cannot afford their prescriptions. Blue Sky Drugs Canadian pharmacy offers an optimal Canadian prescription service with the convenience of not having to leave your house. Blue Sky Drugs has a vast selection of brand as well as high quality Canadian generic medications.