When looking for a career change or an entry level position, it is important to send the biography of your experience with all of the right information to catch the eye of the hiring manager and ensure you are able to get a chance to shine. With the current economy, there are many people out of jobs, thus making your competition greater than before for your perfect career.

Having an outstanding portfolio is much more than just putting your information on paper and sending it out for the jobs you have researched. It is about not having mistakes which will cause a hiring manager to overlook you and move on to the next person.

When a mistake is noticed in a resume, this causes the reader to think less of the person submitting the resume before even meeting them. It is important to have a resume which is mistake free, eye catching and informational in order to obtain the position.

The first mistake is to have no cover letter. Even if the position's description does not indicate a need for a cover letter, it is better to send one than to not and have your name discarded. The cover letters purpose is to introduce yourself, build on your skills and explain why you would like to work for the company you are applying for.

Secondly, be sure to watch your spelling and grammar. All too often people forget when typing to use spell check and to correct the areas which are wrong. This is distasteful for the reader and does not impress.

Next, having too much information will distract the reader from your main attributes. You want the hiring staff to pick you because of your experience and skills you can bring to the position. They are not looking for your hobbies or personal information in regards to your children.

Not providing your contact information may pose the biggest issue yet. What if they are interested in you for their company and you have not provided them with a means of contacting you. Ensure your email is appropriate for business contacts and not something your weekends friends use for passing along their jokes. Check your email and voicemail on a regular basis. Be sure controls are set so that odd emails or phone numbers will be accepted and not automatically placed in the trash bin.

Lastly, be sure what you provide is the truth and the whole truth. You don't want the company to feel you have skills in an area and then when asked to demonstrate, you look unfavorable as you cannot provide the skills to back up what you have stated. The information you print and send needs to be accurate.

Good luck in your career search and hopefully by not making the five mistakes above, you will be on your way to a new life in the working world!

Author's Bio: 

Shailja is working as a content writer for Studynation which is India 's leading education website aimed at helping students through all their education related needs. We have comprehensive information on Colleges, Universities, Courses, Exams and Degrees in India & Study Abroad.