There are days you think the mirror is your worst enemy. We worry about our hair, our makeup, and our skin, and look for dreaded signs of aging such as wrinkles, blotches, stretch marks, and the lumps and bumps associated with cellulite.

Cellulite is a condition where the skin surface shows underlying fat deposits, giving it a lumpy, dimpled appearance, most noticeable on the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite usually appears after puberty, becoming more visible from the weight gain that affects most men and women in their 30s and 40s.

Cellulite, or adiposis edematosa, is often referred to by slang terms such as “orange peel syndrome” and “cottage cheese skin”.

What causes cellulite?

There are a number of theories. Some experts attribute cellulite to hormonal factors, especially estrogen, insulin, thyroid, and other hormones. Genetics also affects the tendency towards cellulite, factors include gender, race, metabolism, poor circulation, and the distribution of fat beneath the skin.

Do you eat too many fats and carbs? These foods can result in fat deposits under the skin, making cellulite more visible. Fortunately, unlike genetics, we can control our diet and choose healthy foods, high in fiber and low in fats and carbs.

Other cellulite culprits include lack of exercise and the wearing of constrictive clothing which hinders circulation.

How can I get rid of it?

If you see signs of cellulite, you have several options. Treatments range from expensive medical interventions to basic lifestyle changes and simple home remedies.

Therapy: Therapists treat cellulite with massage, heat therapy, various electrical therapies involving ultrasound, radio waves, and magnetic waves, and liposuction. Most of these techniques have not been scientifically proven and many are expensive, so you need to do your homework and use common sense before selecting one of these strategies.

Lifestyle changes: Eat a healthy, balanced diet low in fat and high in fiber, and combine it with regular exercise. Weight loss reduces fat content in skin cells and exercise firms the muscles, making fatty areas appear toned and smooth. This approach costs less than therapy and contributes to your body’s overall health and well-being.

Home remedies: There are many skin care oils, creams, and salves on the market. Most of these contain vitamin E and other natural substances that nourish and smooth the skin, helping eliminate wrinkles and dry skin, and toning agents that firm and tighten the skin. Buy anti cellulite cream today to fight cellulite.

Caffeine is a popular toning agent. Currently, several skin care products contain caffeine as a firming and tightening agent. A recent study pointed to the slimming effects of a cream made with a 7 percent caffeine solution. It was uncertain whether caffeine eliminates cellulite, but it clearly contributed to a slimming effect on hips and thighs. There are several recipes online for a homemade paste made from coffee grounds and oils such as olive oil.

If you suffer from cellulite, don’t despair. Do your research and try one or more methods and see which works for you.

Author's Bio: 

If you see signs of cellulite, you have several options. Caffeine is a popular toning agent. Today, several skin care products contain caffeine as a firming and tightening agent.