Diesel was my grandparents’ dog. I fondly remember this scruffy looking yet lovable mongrel while I was growing up. His passion was chasing cars. Everyone would know a car was coming long before we could hear or see it, because Diesel would sound the alarm and chase after each and every oncoming car every chance he had. Without ever giving up hope, he would attempt to catch the car as if his life depended on it.

How often in life do we set goals for ourselves and chase after it as if our lives depended on it. We set out with passion and commitment and pursue our goals with vigor. Our goals absorb all of our thoughts and efforts. We chase after that goal with every fiber of our being, thinking that when we have achieved it, happiness will be our prize…almost like Diesel chasing his car. I often wondered what would have happened had Diesel actually caught his ever elusive prize.

The difference between ourselves and Diesel is that we think we know what will happen when we achieve our goals. Most often we do catch that car… and then? Do we realise that it was perhaps not the exact car we were hoping to catch? Or that the next car looks so much more tempting and better, so we look for another car to chase? And another and another and just one more in order to find happiness? We go through life setting one goal after the other hoping to achieve that final something… that something we keep on chasing after…

You see, unlike Diesel we actually think we know what exactly it is that we are chasing after in our pursuit of happiness. Is that true for you? Or would you be just as surprised as our canine friend would have been if he had actually caught his car.

Often we are told that setting goals are important, but goals can also be toxic and detach us from out true purpose in live. When you set goals, are you authentic and true to yourself? I can help you to achieve just that, in setting goals beyond goals for you to become truly authentic.

It is my intention to offer you affordable career coaching utilising effective NLP techniques backed up by years of industry experience. The focus is transformation of your life, through effective coaching getting to know what you want and gaining confidence to go for it.

Author's Bio: 

Bennie Louw is a Life Coach, NLP/ HNLP Practitioner & Coach, Hypnotherapist

With close to 20 years of recruitment experience, placing hundreds people and interviewing thousands of jobseekers, I have come to realise how many people are stressed out, depressed, miserable or stuck and powerless in their jobs. It is my intention to offer you affordable career coaching utilising effective NLP techniques backed up by years of industry experience. The focus is transformation of your life, through effective coaching getting to know what you want and gaining confidence to go for it.

BA. Hons, Certified NLP and HNLP Practitioner & Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist