What is the first thing you do when you realize you’ve made a mistake or let yourself down?

You know what I’m talking about. Maybe you said you would be somewhere for someone, and then you forgot. Or, you want to lose weight, but you couldn’t resist that piece of chocolate cake last night. Or, you are trying to reconcile a relationship, but the last time you got together you said something you regretted.

We’ve all been there.

If you’re like most of us, you spend the next few minutes (or more) criticizing what you did wrong, telling yourself how bad you are, how you should have acted differently, punishing yourself one way or another…

What is the impact on your self-esteem when you react this way?

Somehow we believe that if we punish ourselves, it will make us a better person. Like beating yourself up will get you to do a better job the next time. But does that really work? No!

In fact, when you spend your life feeling guilty, ashamed or humiliated inside, you are actually creating more circumstances to prove you are right. It actually lowers your self-esteem, so you feel less lovable.

The fact is, when you feel less lovable, you will receive less love. If you want more nurturing and love in your life, you must nurture and love yourself.

What if, instead, it were your child or your puppy that had made the mistake? For example, if your daughter gave an incorrect answer aloud in school and the other kids laughed at her. When she walks in the door that afternoon, still in tears, are you going to tell her how stupid she was? Would you say, “Aren’t you ever going to get it together? You’ll never make friends that way”? Of course not… You would encourage her to believe in herself and try again!

So, why do we reach for the critical parent when it comes to our own learning? Where does that nurturing parent go when we need her for ourselves? Why do we save her for others, yet believe we deserve to be punished and shamed?

When you nurture yourself, you love yourself. When you love yourself, the world loves you back.

Nurture yourself today. It’s a powerful step to finding more love in your life.

Take Action Now

The next time you make a mistake or discover you’ve done something you regret, try this:

* Recognize your immediate response and stop.
* Acknowledge the impact this is having on you. How do you feel?
* Make a choice – Instead of reaching for your inner critical parent and putting your self down, reach for that nurturing parent within and talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you care about.
* Forgive yourself. Pat yourself on the back and give yourself a little pep talk.

You’ll be amazed at the difference this will make in the rest of your life. The whole world becomes a softer, friendlier place.

Hint: To make a change, you will have to stay awake. Beating yourself up and feeling guilty has probably become a habit. Remember: Just noticing is the first step to change.

Author's Bio: 

If you liked today's article on forgiving yourself, you'll enjoy Cynthia's FREE SPECIAL REPORT, "The 7 Biggest Feng Shui Secrets to Creating Abundance, Better Relationships and Radiant Health". Sign up for your free special report and nurture your inner feng shui at www.OpeningDoorsWithin.com

Cynthia Powers Prosor, a Spiritual Awakening Guidess, is a writer, teacher, speaker, entrepreneur and expert inner-peace coach. As a transformational leader, Cynthia works with awakening women who are motivated to change their world from the inside out. Through her private and group mentoring and life-coaching programs, she guides women as they turn up the volume of self-love, deep healing, inner-peace and abundance in their lives. Learn more about your Inner Feng Shui here.