Outbound lead generation is a graceful conversation that requires wit and perseverance. Several tips have been written for outbound calling services, and yet still there are mistakes that have been made. Before beginning your B2b sales lead generation, might we suggest, you take a look at the following common mistakes that telemarketers make when doing lead generation cold calls.

1. Lack of research. When you survey a prospect, you want to get an in depth look at what their business is really about. If you begin a cold call with the “me” show, the client may as well put down the phone. Remember, b2b sales lead generation is all about the client and how your services can help improve their lives. By doing a background check, you can maneuver your conversation in such a way that the client is convinced you care.

2. Too simple. Simplicity is the art of keeping your message precise without the flowery language. But keeping the call too simple means there is nothing to keeping the client entertained. Anybody can make a lead generation cold call; but it takes a quick witted individual to engage their audience.

3. Lack of proof. When doing a lead generation cold call, you want to tell the client that you are the best, and you need to site some significant figures to get them interested. Proof, however, comes in many forms. If you can name an established and well trusted company that has worked with you, then you will certainly gain prestige. Lack of proof that your company is doing well, keeps the client questioning if your services are worth hiring.

Remember to keep your client on his toes when executing your phone lead generation. You will be surprised at how your time and effort can rake in significant results.

Author's Bio: 

Matt Hallaran is the founder of Sidekiiks Incorporated. Sidekiiks is an offshore outsourcing company that specializes in providing a wide range of business solutions such as Call Center Services, Executive Virtual Assistant & Online Marketing Management for lead generation to entrepreneurs and SME’s.