The only way to know if you are pregnant for sure is by taking the Beta HCG blood test. However, there are a few commonly experienced pregnancy signs and symptoms which are suggestive.

• Spotting and Cramping

After a few days post conception, the fertilized egg tends to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. This can be the earliest sign and symptom of pregnancy – spotting and sometimes even cramping. Also known as implantation bleeding, this is likely to occur anytime between the 6th and 12th day after the fertilization of the egg.

In addition to slight bleeding, women also may experience white milky discharge that takes place due to the increase in cell growth.

• Changes of the Breast

Changes of the breast are another commonly experienced sign during early pregnancy. Since a pregnant woman’s hormone levels change rapidly after conception, breasts tend to swell up, get sore or feel tingly.

They may also feel heavier and tender. The areola may darken.

• Fatigue

Feeling tired very fast is very normal during pregnancy. Women tend to feel tired as soon as one week into the pregnancy. Higher levels of progesterone, lower blood sugar levels, low blood pressure and boost in production of blood can all result in fatigue. During this time, it is highly recommended that the mother to be gets plenty of rest and that they consume a protein rich diet.

• Nausea or Morning Sickness

Inspite of being of the most famous pregnancy signs and symptoms, not every woman experiences it. But for any woman who does, it is because the hormone levels sometimes slowdown the digestion process. The cravings and aversions developed during pregnancy are also because of these hormones.

• Missed Period

The obvious and in most cases earliest sign and symptom of pregnancy, missing a period is most often why women do a blood test. However, it is important to note that not all missed or delayed periods are caused due to pregnancy. At the same time, some women may also experience bleeding during pregnancy. It is important that you check with your doctor in such a situation.

Other common symptoms include frequent urination, constipation, mood swings, back pain, headaches and even dizziness. However, it is important to remember that not all women experience all these signs and symptoms. Also, if these symptoms bother you too much, visit your doctor to understand how you can make yourself feel more comfortable.

Author's Bio: 

Adams Hall is an experienced journalist and the editor on Women Health topics, but he is a specialist in Pregnancy information write-ups. Adams writes on various matters such as pregnancy signs and symptoms, symptom of pregnancy, sign and symptom of pregnancy and etc. He has been appreciated for his quality work by many reputed health magazines.