You're a smart entrepreneur. You 'get it.'

You realize company newsletters are the best way to build a relationship with your customers.

And you're savvy enough to know print newsletters are a magical client retention marketing tool.

But... you have this bad feeling in your gut. Perhaps your company newsletter is missing something. You fear it lacks power and pizzazz.You know it should be generating better results.

Put Your 'Feet to the Fire' and Answer These Two Burning Questions:

- Is your current newsletter just good enough... or is it a marketing weapon of mass destruction?
- Is it packed with a payload to blast your referrals through the roof and detonate profits into the stratosphere?

Still not sure?

Take This Easy, 6 Question Quiz To Get The Answer:

1. Is my company newsletter in color? If it's black and white, over 70% of your customer may not even open it, let alone read it. Color gets attention. It gets your attention, doesn't it? It will work for your clients, too.

2. Is my company newsletter personalized? This means you have your clients first name printed on their personal newsletter. This is also called Variable Data Printing (VDP). If you're not using VDP – you're missing out on a boatload of money. Personalization can double your returns and go as high as 10-15 times your return on investment.

3. Do my company newsletters look professional? If it looks like your 7th grader ran it off your home printer, then the answer is 'no'. Graphics, style and formatting are huge factors in how your newsletter is received and perceived by your customers.

4. Do my company newsletters get my clients 'involved'? A hyper-responsive newsletter has multiple involvement triggers to make your customers crave more information that they need to know. You have to make your customers want to rip open your newsletter to see what the next page has to say.

5. Is my company newsletter a direct response marketing tool? Is there an irresistible offer? Is there a strong call to action? Are the benefits clearly stated on why they MUST call you TODAY?

6. Does my company newsletter MAKE ME MONEY? Let's face it, you don't send newsletters to your customers because it's fun. You do it to make money. Period.

So, how did you do?

Do your company newsletters need a makeover?

If so, procrastination is costing you. Every month you delay is another month you leave money behind – cash that should be sitting in your bank account.

Here Are Two Things You Can Do Right Now:

1. Switch to a newsletter template that incorporates all six of the features listed above.

2. Outsource your newsletter marketing project. Busy entrepreneurs usually wear several hats in their business. Using a 'done for you' service that matches the criteria in this article will save you time.

Now, you have the magic bullet. Now turn it into a marketing missile.

Once you do, you'll have a 'shock and awe' marketing system in place. Your competitors will never know what hit them. And, it's all because you gave your company newsletter a much needed makeover

Author's Bio: 

Company Print Newsletter Expert David Gruttadaurio's website: is the place where busy entrepreneurs go for print newsletters that attract and retain clients for life. Discover his bulletproof plan to thrive (not just survive) in the new, emerging economy. Get his plan now and claim your 3 FREE Real Gifts at