There is no doubt that people who live consciously eventually become happier and successful than those who don’t.
Like every other thing that can be developed and learned conscious living is a skill that can be acquired through knowledge and practice.
In this post I will tell you about 5 surefire ways that can help you live consciously

How to live consciously

1)Recognize the autopilot and turn it off: Most of us have been running on an auto pilot for years. We wake up, run to work, do the same exact things, follow the crowd and act like everyone else without pausing for a moment and thinking about what we are doing. Some people even go further by following the same career path everyone around us is following without questioning their deeds. The first step to live consciously is to recognize this auto pilot you have been running on and to pause for a while to think about the consequences of what you are doing.

2)Recognize the limiting beliefs you have learned: The autopilot doesn’t just stop at the actions we imitate but it even extends further to the beliefs we acquire. Most people learn limiting beliefs from others without even questions them then end up feeling miserable because of them. I can never succeed, some people were born to be rich, life is unfair, I am not lucky…etc are examples of limiting beliefs we acquire as a the result of not consciously filtering the beliefs we come across.

3)Become conscious of external triggers: How many times do you find yourself automatically becoming angry or mad of someone as a result of a certain action he took? Each day many people keep pushing certain buttons that forces us into the autopilot mood and anger is one of these examples. In order to live consciously you must realize these external triggers and become aware of them so that you can prevent them from forcing you into the autopilot mood.

4)Make a choice: Once you become aware of all of these external factors that are pushing you into autopilot mood you will be able to make a choice and better respond to the trigger. For example if someone shouted at you then you can still be in control instead of losing your temper and feeling bad the whole day.

5)Keep the autopilot on for useful activities: If you developed a good habit like sleeping early or reading a new book every week then keep the autopilot mood on for that habit as long as it’s helping you meet your goals

Author's Bio:, The ultimate source for self understanding

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