Creatin is the term used by the bodybuilding circuit when speaking about Creatine. It has been found to be a very effective supplement to enhance performance. For as many as 8 percent of those who use this supplement it has been proven that nitrogenous organic acid helps to improve muscle mass, strength and size. You might say that this supplement has lived up to all the hype that surrounds it.

You might be interested in knowing that creatin can be used for other purposes besides building muscle mass, strength and size. Following are some secret benefits that users are beginning to discover on their own.

Muscle Pain Relief

Drugs that are used to lower cholesterol are known as statins, but one of its side effects is muscle pain. A study done by researchers at Cleveland Clinic shows that relief of this muscle pain can be realized by ingesting 5 grams of creatine every day. It is thought that the boost in creatin levels that are stored within the cells causes the production of more energy which helps to reduce the sensations of pain.

Recovery During Training Is Faster

There are two factors that must be in place in order to build muscle mass, strength and size. The individual must get adequate rest and sufficient amounts of exercise. It is the exercise that causes muscle growth while rest allows muscles to recover the stress of exercise.

Without the proper amount of rest, most bodybuilders soon reach what is known as a training plateau. When this plateau is reached you may be working harder but getting nowhere with your efforts. The flip side of this is that if you fail to work hard enough with your training your muscles will cease to grow.

A study was conducted by the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory on the effects of taking creatin supplements. During this study it was revealed that taking only 5 grams of creatine every day brought on as much as 3 pounds in muscle weight gain in users, which was more than that seen with those who took the placebo. Each of these groups trained beyond their normal capacity for recovery after exercise.

What must be said here is that supplementation with creatin allows the user to recover much more quickly after each workout, and that allows them to spend more time training which is sure to increase the speed at which muscle growth takes place.

Sleep Deprivation Is Counteracted

It is important that those who use creatine understand that it helps to increase the supply of energy to the cells, muscles, tissues and brain. Also, lack of sleep will decrease the brains store of creatin which leads to mental fatigue.

With that said, it is also important that it is understood that when nitrogenous organic acid is supplemented the brains supply is replenished. This produces improved performance mentally as well as physically.

Aids Vegetarian Diets

Individuals who consume meat in their diets have a ready source for 2 grams of creatin each day from fish and meat. Those who eat a vegetarian diet do not get an adequate amount of creatin.

The remedy for this is to add nitrogenous organic acid to their daily regimen. The recommendation for vegetarians is to ingest 20 grams of creatine for 5 days and then decrease that amount to 5 grams for maintenance.

Anti-aging Ingredient

Creatin is now found in numerous anti-aging skin care products along with their typical ingredients such as collagen. Research has proven that this ingredient has the affect of adding firmness to the skin by increasing the normal production of collagen.

When used properly, creatin is a very useful product for fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and the average person can receive benefits from.

Vincent Lee Alston has been a fitness enthusiast and weight trainer for well over twenty years. I trust you found this article: Creatin - Secrets Revealed helpful, claim your FREE e-book showing you how to train properly for maximum RESULTS, available at=>

Author's Bio: 

Vincent Lee Alston has been a fitness enthusiast and weight trainer for well over twenty years. I trust you found this article: Creatin - Secrets Revealed helpful, claim your FREE e-book showing you how to train properly for maximum RESULTS, available at=>