I wrote this note yesterday not realizing it was Ghandi’s birthday. It was in response to the death of 18 year old Tyler Clementi who killed himself after being “outted” on the internet. We have an opportunity to transmute this tragedy into one of leadership. Perhaps Tyler’s spirit agreed to perform this tragic role to elicit such a collective shift toward true leadership. ~

Here’s the note…

When we see atrocities, our ability to teach a different way is being called forth that embraces and includes all with love and respect.

Hard to do – no one promised this path to be easy – the magnetic pull is toward whatever collective consciousness is prevailing at the time.

How do we develop our capacity to “fight” something without fighting it?

How do we transmute the energy of hate into a path of learning so that we honor and educate rather than meet hatred with more of the same?

There is at least one if not a multitude of ways to meet any tragedy. Look at the peacemakers of Brother David Steindl-Rast, Ghandi, Mandella, Azim Khamisa, The Trevor Project Founders, Martin Luther King, etc. for inspiration to develop ways to be successful and effect enormous change through love rather than through hate.

Rather than rage at the injustice we see around us, I invite you to develop your creativity and design a new model for what angers you the most.

Be the change you wish to see. Pick up the gauntlet and lead!


Copyright © 2010 (Stacy Kamala Waltman)

Author's Bio: 

Stacy Kamala Waltman brings a well-rounded blend of experience and personal development skills to her coaching practice. Bridging the spiritual world with the professional arena, Stacy Kamala draws from a rich and varied background to enhance her client’s personal, spiritual and professional life.

Earning a B.A. in journalism at San Diego State University along with a minor in business administration, Stacy has worked in a variety of business settings including group/team facilitation, public speaking, marketing, promotions, corporate communications, sales, web site design, and public relations. In small, medium, and large companies, she has learned what it takes to succeed.

Stacy also serves her community as a consultant and volunteer, most recently as a Facilitator on the Bend2030 project and as a commissioner on the Oregon Governor’s Commission on Women.

Stacy’s tangible-world experience is a counterpoint to a 28-year history as a student of Swami Satchidananda’s Integral Yoga, and a certified Svaroopa Yoga Instructor. From the postures of Hatha Yoga to the regulation of breathe control; the discipline of meditation to the ecstasy of chanting, Stacy has developed a deep appreciation for the peace, centering and focus to be found in the world of spiritual studies.

By combining these various disciplines with specific coaching training and advanced education at the Coaches Training Institute – accredited by the International Coaching Federation, Stacy provides an integrated approach to her coaching practice.

Stacy’s clients are those people striving for more in their lives; better communication skills, a healthy relationship with money and increased earning power while maintaining skillful life balance. Her vision is to guide her clients and teams to a life of fulfillment and success by linking their spiritual, material and practical needs.

“In addition to being a wonderful communicator, Stacy is also a gifted and powerful coach,” says Jim DeLaurentis, CFO, The Andrew Lauren, Inc.” She has dynamic energy and deep commitment.”

Whether you participate with her in a teleseminar format, organizational team or individual coaching program, you will co-develop your awareness of yourself – enhancing how you interact in the world. Stacy’s coaching style is not only brilliant, she allows the process to be rewarding and fun!

If you are committed to living a life of freedom from habitual thinking patterns and developing your awareness so that your life is rich and authentic, please send an email to Stacy: ic@integrationcoaching.com.

Blessings ~