Today, you are going to put all your excuses behind you. You are going to throw your self-doubt out the window. You will stop second-guessing yourself and take the next step!

I don't care if you want to loose some weight, eat healthier, learn Japanese, write a novel, take your kid to Disney World or sell all your belongings. Today, you will take that crucial first step toward your goal.

Destroy the Excuses
Take out a sheet of paper. Go ahead, get the paper. Don't make up an excuse about how the paper is on the other side of the office. Get up and get a sheet of paper.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

Ok, now, at the top of the page write down a goal you have. And underneath write down all the excuses you have given yourself as to why you haven't accomplished your goal yet or why you haven't even started. Really unload every negative thing you have ever said about yourself. Dump every doubt you have ever had onto that paper.

When the paper is nice and full, just dripping with negative vibes, I want you to destroy that paper and all the crap that has kept you from realizing your goal.

Burn it, tear it up, stomp on it, make a noose and hang it in effigy. Boil it in a pot of oil. Run over it with your car. Put it through the shredder. Don't stop until that piece of paper and all the excuses are a heap of tattered remains.

I would love to hear your creative method of destroying your excuses. Share them in the comments section.

Focus only on the Goal
Now, take out another sheet of paper and write your goal again on the page but this time write it big enough so that it fills most of the page. And decorate the rest of the page until there is no room left. Fill it with pictures or doodles or other inspiring words so there is not a single sliver of space for excuses and ugliness to squeeze in.

Take the First Leap
Make a plan to take that first leap toward your goal. Notice I didn't say "step". A step is too small. It's too puny. This leap must be active, it must be positive and it must be simple enough for you to do today. No more planning. No more researching. No more waiting till you are "ready".

If you want to loose weight go to your local gym after work and take a class or walk around your neighborhood. Don't let your responsibilities to your family be an excuse either. Take your kids with you or go after dinner and bring the whole family. If you want to eat healthier go to the super market and browse the produce isle. You don't have to research how to eat healthy because you already know.

Remember to share your goals and your method of destroying your excuses. You might give someone an idea on how to destroy their excuses.

Sometimes you just have to take a leap and build your wings on the way down.

You have all the skill and knowledge you need to take the first leap toward your goals. And whatever you don't know you will learn along the way. That's the beauty of being a human. We learn, we adapt and we thrive.

Believe in yourself. Trust your abilities. Leap.

Author's Bio: 

Sara Ortiz spends her life in the Midwest drawing inspiration from the beautiful landscape and small city living. She is a Renaissance Soul who has worked as a graphic designer, children's book illustrator, writer, blogger, children's clothing designer and crafter but is always first and foremost an entrepreneur. Most recently Sara launched her new business, Sara Ortiz Workshops, and her blog, and publishes Creativity On A Mission Newsletter.

Through her business Sara offers Creativity Kits like The Creative Soul Kit and Your Blossoming Heart Kit. She also offers private and group creative workshops, seminars, teleseminars and teleworkshops. Her intention is always to use Creative Practices to help people connect with their Present Selves, create a new journey and design a more fulfilling present.

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