Diesel power chips or automobile power chips have gained a lot of popularity these days. More and more people are buying them because diesel chips help improve the diesel performance and power dramatically. Though it may sound surprising, diesel chips are found to increase power by up to 25% and torque by up to 35%. For the uninitiated, here is a brief yet comprehensive introduction to this amazing diesel performance device.

Modern diesel chips are basically an interactive 32 bit micro computer which helps exploit the full potential of modern diesel engines. Careful modification of the interplay between engine parameters allows the diesel chips to alter the fuel and air characteristics for creating smooth power gains. Diesel power chips use accelerator, air mass and load readings for calculating and delivering the alterations to the vehicle’s own signals with digital precision and speed. Older versions use resistor technology which tend to be less effective in optimising fuel management.

Individual programming and innovative re-mapping of the vehicle injection signals and the engine management system initiated by the diesel chip result in more power throughout the rpm range. This helps produce progressive power gain in the diesel engine without sudden surges or drop-offs. There is no strain on engine components. Good diesel chips are designed to increase the engine performance within set tolerances, thus protecting the engine.

Although diesel chips are an effective means of improving the power and torque of diesel vehicles, they are also found to reduce fuel costs for a variety of cars such as 4x4s, SUV, commercial trucks, vans, agriculture and even marine applications. On average, a good quality diesel chip results in around 7-10% saving on most vehicles, depending on one’s driving style and vehicle application.
The features of a diesel chip may vary from one to the other but top quality chips have chips, eprom serial reprogramming (flashing) or other types of fixed map devices. Such devices are usually interchangeable between vehicles, able to be upgraded and part exchanged for other types of diesel chips available in the market without causing any sort of interference to the original manufacturers engine equipment and built in safeguards.
Commonly, diesel performance chips are easy to use. Models for Common Rail vehicles are plug and play chips, which are very easy to install and take hardly 10-15 minutes for configuration. Variable pump models need to be installed by authorised installers or qualified auto electrician and take close to 30-40 minutes to do the job.
With the help of a good and trusted diesel performance chip, one can improve diesel performance and enjoy fuel economy. But for this, thorough market search and comparisons must be undertaken by interested buyers. One must compare the makes and models of different diesel chips that are available in the market and then choose to buy the ones that promise maximum diesel power improvement, fuel economy, easy installation, warranty, after sales services, and competitive pricing.

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