Online Marketing has been around for quite a while now, and many business owners have taken advantage of it by finding an SEO partner to help them along the way to success.

5 Main Small Business Struggles in 2019

In 2019, businesses must utilize the advantages of the online world to advertise their business. Relying on the old ways such as word-of-mouth simply won’t be enough. Marketing has drastically changed throughout the past years, and it is mandatory to establish an online presence if you want to breakthrough. Waiting because you are unsure is not an option, your competitors have already established an online presence, and customers are coming to their door not yours.
There is a myriad of reasons why an online advertising agency can give you the initial boost you need, but the most important of all is you will get a steady flow of new clients.
Now let’s look into some of the struggles small businesses face.

#1 New Customers
Nowadays, finding new customers can be extremely difficult, especially for small businesses. Even big brands, for example, Intel, KFC, Apple, run marketing campaigns to this day. They don't just sit around waiting for new people to start rolling in.
Many channels that can be utilized, but how do you know where to allocate your resources for the best return on investment?
Good question! This is where online marketing shows up. What better way to figure out your buyer persona than hiring a specialist who can do it for you. After your target audience is set you will find yourself busier than ever!

#2 Brand Awareness
With all the big national brands out there, it is hard to spread awareness for your business. Sometimes you wonder, how did those big brands accomplish that? It is as if they popped up out of nowhere. How did they grow so quickly?
Behind their success stand a ton of failures and rejections. But hard work, proven strategies, and constantly spreading the word about your brand builds a great reputation.
Online marketing specialists can make your business stand out, with the latest proven tactics. With a bit of research, you can find the perfect SEO partner who will help you along the journey to success, and help you dominate your competitors.

#3 Little to No Advertising
Advertising a small business can be a struggle in the beginning, and a limited budget can make it even harder to reach the desired target audience. Even with all the free online advertising options out there, for example, social websites, and blogs, it is still difficult to reach your desired audience.
Investing in paid ads on Google or Facebook, or other marketing forms such as television and print can give you a significant boost, but it can have a great impact on your budget. Then again, the key to success is small business big marketing.
Yes, you need big marketing! Chances for your business to stick for a while longer without marketing are slim, so just do it, invest now!

#4 New Technology
Large companies take advantage of new technologies to improve their workflow, production rate, and customer experience. This is why big companies have the opportunity to capture more market share.
But small businesses may not have the financial stability to afford technological resources. This can really push the business back. Let’s just face, at this point, technology is crucial for any business, and not being able to utilize it at all can be a big problem.

#5 Retaining Existing Customers
Either your service is flawless, or your competitors are going to steal your customers. There is no in-between. As a small business, you surely need to provide top-notch services to retain your existing customers.
Indeed, you can't satisfy every customer, but according to the 80/20 principle, 20 % of your customers generate 80% of your revenue. What that means that you don't need to satisfy everyone, you just need the right people.
Once you have developed a loyal customer base, you can focus on them, and find your strengths, so that in the future you know what works best for your target customer.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Steven Gilbert a content editor for 411 Locals.