On special dog's story about rediscovering her life's purpose...

Have you ever wondered what your own life’s purpose was? Did you know that animals also have a life’s purpose?

I recently worked with a very frightened young dog who had forgotten her purpose. She had been badly abused the first four months of her life, living in fear and shut up in a small cage most of the time. She was not socialized at all, nor was she taught anything except to be afraid, always afraid.

This sweet soul was rescued and taken to a loving home where the new owners expected her to respond fairly quickly to their tender loving care. However, her progress was very slow and limited, and her new owners despaired of her ever overcoming her past. And so they called me for help.

When I communicated with her, she told me she didn’t have any idea how to fit into their household, and was barking in fear at everyone, telling them to stay back. Her only comfort zone was to hide in one spot the majority of the time. The only time she felt slightly safe was with the woman and only when they were alone.

The older two dogs had begun to be very aggressive toward her and each other. They told me that they had tried to teach her the rules, where her place was in the family pack, and about respect, but she wasn’t getting it. They told me that this youngster was hearing strange voices in her head and was so scattered mentally that they didn’t know what to do with her or how to reach her. The aggression had escalated to fighting and biting, and was getting out of hand pretty quickly with the growing anxiety and instability in the household.

First I had to help her remember who she truly was in order to recover her original joyful, wise, and loving spirit. She began to recall what her purpose in this lifetime was originally.

Once she remembered, I was able to help her let go of the traumatic events that had happened to her. Finally, I could help her understand her new family better and what was expected of her.

I also spoke with the older two dogs and helped them resolve their frustrations with the newcomer. The older female volunteered to take on the task of gently teaching her what she needed to know like a mother would with a much younger puppy.

During the session, we watched as she progressed from being very afraid and timid, to laying down stretched out by the sofa where we sat, relaxed with her eyes closed and her heart at peace for the first time.

It was a remarkable experience, and it reminded me why I love animal communication so much. This is also why millions of people all over the world are dedicated to learning how to talk with their own animals.

Animal communication helps reveal your purpose together. It’s also helpful with obedience and training issues, performance, behavior problems, health issues, and euthanasia decisions. Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through our barriers, helping us heal and reconnecting us with the circle of life.

So often when you have a problem with your animals, you do a lot of expensive guesswork – asking different professionals, trying different equipment or products, using various tests and procedures to try and determine what's going on and what to do to help… and sometimes you get lucky and find answers, and other times, you're no better off than when you started! And you can even make things worse!

I believe that communicating with your animals is the best place to start resolving any problem. After we know what their viewpoint is, and all the many factors of the issue, THEN we can go about working on resolving it.

Learning to communicate telepathically with other beings is a priceless gift. It allows us to experience that we are not alone, that we are connected, and that we can help each other.

Want to learn how to communicate with animals? Start with my coming free teleclass: Discover 5 Secrets About Communicating With Animals! To find out more about this and other teleclasses, please see my website at: www.valheart.com/teleclasses.html

Author's Bio: 

Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle, expert animal communicator, author & master healer specializing in resolving behavior, training, performance, and health problems, and euthanasia decisions. Free AnimalTalk QuickStart Course (value $79), (210) 863-7928, email:contactval@valheart.com visit http://www.valheart.com