WordPress is known for being a superb and easy to use CMS or a framework, but still it is used by a huge population as a blogging platform around the globe. With an increasing number of tablets and smartphones it is essential that your Wordpress blogs must have a mobile friendly version.

As you all know that blogs are meant for reading and if your website visitors cannot read your website content through a handheld device they will never visit your blogs again. Therefore, making your blog readable on such devices requires a different strategy.

Responsive website is the best solution to such requirements as it make your websites responsive to tablets and smartphones and at the same time maintain its visual appeal. A pinch of tablet centric strategy can get your WordPress site miles ahead of your competitors, so here are few strategies that will give your Wordpress websites and blogs an edge over your competitors:

Strategies for website for tablets

Along with the use of above plugins, a pinch of tablet centric strategy can get your WordPress site miles ahead of your competitors.

Make your WordPress blog or website in portrait or landscape view as tablets are mostly rectangular in shape. The view of your blog and website has a deep impact on visitors as if your blog content is not properly readable or cannot be browsed it will lead to dissatisfaction of your visitors.

To make sure that your visitors stay connected to your blog even if they are offline you can make your content downloadable.

Using HTML5 more than the flash will improve your website speed to a great extent.

Avoid using the hover effect as it wont work on the tablets, because every function requires a physical touch.
Here are the few plugins to make your Wordpress website Responsive and Tablet friendly: Onswipe:

Onswipe is a great plugin for creating a mobile friendly website as it detects the screen size, view direction and adjusts the content layout accordingly. This plugin also share your content on various social networks and enables user to download content on tablet.


Wptouch is another great plugin that resizes and rearranges contents and images and incorporate a very useful feature, “touch gestures”. It was initially available for only iOS or Apple users but now it extends to various other platforms.

WordPress Mobile Edition:

WordPress mobile edition plugin allows visitors of your Wordpress website to view it according to the device platform they use. Whether your visitor is using an iOS device or an Android device this plugin use readymade themes which makes your users viewing experience a pleasurable one.

Author's Bio: 

This article is contributed by WPCanvas, a specialist in wordpress development with a talented team of WordPress developers. One can also hire WordPress theme developers for their wordpress theme design needs at an affordable price.