Hello!! This is my first Intent blog, and I am so honoured and delighted to be joining this community of intention, inspiration and true innovation. As an artist, humanitarian, mother and praise singer, I feel called to sing a song of joy, love and compassion in these magnificent and challenging times we are sharing together. I was asked to compose a song for an Earth Day symposium last year. The theme for the event was 'Enough Already', and it's layered meaning touched a chord in me. I pondered the great privileges we have living in North America, or in any 'first world' country for that matter.

Walking past my daughter's room, and peering at the plethora of shoes spilling out from her closet, I took my dog out for a walk, past driveways with several cars in front of large, spacious homes. It occured to me that 'enough' means something very different to a mother in Africa who gives up her meal for the day in order to feed her children, than to someone who has been seduced into a world of 'new and improved', and has had the means to feed the monster of materiality in ways big or small.

Peering down the throat of 'enough already', I saw a gaping, endless cavern that cannot be filled. Not by stuff, anyway. If you're always wishing for more, you can never know the peace and satisfaction of having enough. It all comes down to the choice between love and fear. Fear says, 'You aren't enough just as you are. You'll never have enough. What will you be without your stuff?' Love says, 'Established in your wholeness, you can never lack. Follow my praise song of gratitude, and you will feel this truth down to your bones. You are enough right now. You always have been.'

The house of cards is falling. The planet is shifting. We are looking our fear in the face. And it's OK. You see, we're in this together. We've always been on the same team. It just seemed like we had to compete and conspire, to protect our 'stuff'. The revolution that is happening on the planet isn't so much political, environmental and economic, (although every aspect of our lives is shifting)...it is a great spiritual shift that is taking place. We are seeing that the richest person isn't the one who has the most, it's person who needs the least, and is able to share from a place of fullness and gratitude, no matter what their bank account may hold.

The more we give thanks for what we already have, the more gratitude we feel for our life just as it is. If we're always wanting more, we're enslaved by the 'never enough' paradigm of fear and lack. Our true worth is not something that can be tendered or traded. It is our tender, noble heart that feels compassion and gives to someone who is in need. 'It is in giving that we receive', and we realize it is an infinite, exquisite exchange. When we say 'thank you' for what is already wonderful in our lives, we experience the liberation of gratitude. Our hearts are cracking wide open to let in the light of love that is calling us to an unprecedented expression of our humanity, of our unity, our creativity, and our collective compassion. Team Earth...peace is now...love is all...and we are ONE!!

Thank you for this opportunity to connect and share with this magnificent Intent Community! EnJOY the video of the song 'Enough Already'!!

From the heart of gratitude,


Pam Gerrand

* Singer/Songwriter/Sound Healer/Speaker


Author's Bio: 

Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.