Stand in line: There is this endless queue in front of you and you ask yourself the question 'are they all having the same problem'? Are you having any of these signs or symptoms? The body might need a kick-start by being out of tune, then this is a good reason for you to stay in line.
There are some things you need to know before starting a detoxification. Detoxifying your body is a good thing, but it is dangerous if done the wrong way or if unnecessary.

You may not need it!

Elderly or underweight people may not need a detoxification. For pregnant or breast-feeding women and persons who are taking certain medication it would be advisable to check with their GP first, or better still visit a knowledgeable natural health care practitioner.

A detoxification diet is healthy when used as a short-term cleansing program. The main reason than would be to renew a long-term commitment into a healthy ongoing maintainable diet. Be certain that this is not just another temporarily crazy health kick and resume your life fueled with chunk food and sodas! Don't bother wasting your time or energy.

When you should think to detoxify!

If any of these symptoms show up on your radar screen it would be necessary to consider a detoxification:

- Following a wrong diet for some time

- Carrying those extra kilo's or pounds

- Symptoms of constipation

- Toxic overload and parasite infection

- Fatigue

- Abdominal pain

- Gas and cramps

- Diarrhea

- Headaches

- Digestive problems

- Stiff and aching joints

- Low on energy

- Feeling run down

- Sluggish

By having any of these or similar symptoms it might be time to think carefully what type of detoxification you should decide on. A worthwhile detoxification takes between a week to a month, or just two or three days could be enough, depending on the seriousness of the problem.

What to avoid on a detoxification!

It is important to avoid any food with added sugar, sodas and soft drinks, biscuits, anything that has artificial sweeteners, coloring, flavoring etc. Alcohol is off the list as well, so is coffee and tea; they are OK otherwise, but on a detoxification, you must avoid caffeine. The intake of deep-fried foods, pastries, pasta, bread, wheat, rye, rice, barley, this are just some, depends on what type of detoxification you may decide on. Where it is OK to eat certain food on some detoxification and not on others depends on the stage of detoxification which is necessary for the best results.

There are toxins in the modern way of life we can't avoid. Those are building up in our body and are destroying or damaging our health.

What to eat on a detoxification!

You can eat all fruits and vegetables, fresh ones only; kidney beans, lentils, eggs, chicken (no skin), fish, salmon (wild caught only, not farmed), nuts and seeds. Cold-pressed olive and/or coconut oils are good for cooking as well as salad dressing etc. Use plenty of fluid such as filtered water (not purchased in plastic bottles), herbal teas and juices (make your own juice; most others are full with sugars and other crap). For the extra micronutrients include carrots, turmeric, ginger, celery, parsley, spinach, kale, and beetroot, just to list some of them.

As your body discharges all the bad waste it is important to take a good natural supplement in a liquid form at the same time. This is best for quick absorption to get the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs as it is detoxifying.

For more information, how to choose the best supplement to add to your daily diet, just follow the link below, information is free.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Josef Bichler. I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only and helping others to achieve their health objectives through lifestyle changes, detoxifying their body and through understanding the benefits of eating healthy. For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletter; this also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my free e-book to help making better choices: