Exercise and Weight Loss

To lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. This obviously depends on your weight at the moment, and other factors which contribute towards your BMR, Basic Metabolic Rate which is the number of calories you burn are day at rest for example what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing, digestion, etc

Nutrition and calories
McDonald's double cheeseburger contains around 460 calories

To burn off the calories in just that one burger, the average 150-pound person would have to do moderate-intensity aerobics for an hour!

Add on a shake and order of fries and you might as well cancel any plans you had for the half-a-day you'll need to spend at the gym to un-do that one meal!

Good nutrition is very important for fat loss, and focusing on health and health promoting foods is far more productive than focusing on fat loss and denial of favourite foods.

Make Exercise Fun
• Swimming pool
• Classes
Sports: such as badminton, tennis, squash, anything you enjoy
• Gym circuit training
• Dancing
• Horse riding
• Rock climbing
• Table tennis

The list is exhaustive, identify activities you enjoy doing and integrate them into activity plan. Doing the activities you enjoy will help you to stay motivated, contribute towards a healthier life style
Goal Setting

Have a goal: e.g. sign up for a 5 km Fun Run

You can start losing weight right now by making a few simple changes. If you can burn around an extra 500 calories each day, you'll lose a pound a week. Try these ideas:
Instead of.... Do this...
Having an afternoon Coke Drink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)
Eating a bacon sandwich for breakfast Eat some fruit and cereal (calories saved: 185)
Using your break to catch up on work or eat a snack Go for a walk (calories burned: 100)
Wake up 5 minutes early Get up 10 minutes early to some exercises, I.e. abdominal crunches (calories burned: 100)
Watching television after work Do 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50

So how does this goal setting technique work?
1. State your goal in the positive.
Think about what you want rather than what you don't want. If you still come up with something negative ask yourself "What do I want instead?" in the context of weight loss what do you want?
2. State it in simple terms.
If a five year old wouldn't understand it, it may be too complex - unlike some goal setting techniques your goal needs to be brief, simple and specific. I.e. how many pounds do you want to lose and when, what dress size would you like to fit in to, what size jeans
3. State it in the present tense.
Make it as if it is happening now. I have, I am, I'm doing... what are you doing right now, attending this seminar is a positive step forward

4. Is it achievable and realistic?
Has someone else already achieved this or might they achieve this? Is it realistic for you? If one person can achieve something then so can you.
5. Set a time and make it an exciting outcome
There is some debate about setting a date and some people feel uncomfortable about this. If it is a small goal then do it. If it is a really big goal then I advise that you leave the time for the moment until it starts to look like things are moving.
6. Finally how will you achieve your goal?
For example
By going to the gym twice are week, going for a walk twice per week, changing certain things you eat, doing things in a manageable way to suit your lifestyle, choose exercises and activities you enjoy
Remember not to over estimate what you can achieve in a week and under estimate what can be achieved in 6 months



Author's Bio: 

Performance Coach & 'Britain's Top Coach' Nominee 2009
Winner highly commended for coaching award 2006, for his international and domestic work.

Radio Broadcaster

Jimmy Petruzzi