Doesn't it feel great to experience love?

Think of someone you really love. It could be your spouse, your boyfriend or girlfriend, a parent, your child, your best friend, or even your favorite pet.

Now think about everything you love about that person (or pet). It could be their sense of humor, their kindness, the way they make you feel, their smile, how cute they are...Just take a moment to do this and notice how it makes you feel.

Are you starting to get into that feeling of love?

Now what if I told you that just getting into that feeling of love is the most important thing you can do to heal any problem you're dealing with in your life right now.

Think about a problem you've been facing recently. It could be:

Now picture this: If you were able to live in a state of love, and experience those wonderful feelings almost all the time, how might that effect the problems you're dealing with?

Do you think you might feel less anxious or depressed? Would you be less concerned about money or losing your job? Do you think your pain or illness might feel just a little bit better? Would you be able to connect more deeply with your friends and family?

We've spent about the last two years studying this phenomenal concept we call love. We've spoken with over 20 experts on the topic, including world-renowned authors like Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine and Miracles, and Dr. Dean Shrock, author of Why Love Heals.

We've discovered that love not only has the power to alleviate small problems, but it even has the power to completely heal major issues like depression and even disease!

Isn't that amazing?

Love is like the best medicine you can get. And it's not only free, but it feels great to practice!

Author's Bio: 

Justin Carboneau is the co-founder of The LOVEolution. Join the LOVEolution and we'll send you 3 of the best techniques we've found for getting into that state of love.