Do you know how to truly express yourself? Do you even know who you are? Do you know how people perceive you? Is who you are harmonious with how people view you? If not maybe you're not expressing yourself clearly. For how you express your goals and dreams, the choices you make, and the actions you take are a direct reflection of your personal leadership.

So, how can you go about making sure you are expressing your true self and personal leadership at work and at home?

Find out how others see you -- If you find out that others view you differently than you wish, it is a step toward thinking about how to authentically express yourself. It is not so much that you should care what people think of you, but rather if what you're trying to project matches what people think of you.

Align your actions with your values -- Ethically, your values should align with your actions, whether people can see you or not. Make sure this is the case. You don't have to shout your values from the roof tops you simply need to "be" aligned. Once again, this is not about people thinking you're a hypocrite, it's about you thinking that you're a hypocrite. If you have doubt, so will others.

Let go of labels -- Letting go of labels that you gave yourself or others gave to you that don’t empower you will go far in allowing for the authentic expression of your true self. Remember that you are an original creation that cannot be labeled. You have a unique gift to convey to the world.

Give yourself permission to change -- No one is the same person throughout all stages of their life. It's not unusual to change your mind several times in one lifetime nor is it unusual to lead and follow in any given situation. As you learn more about what really matters to you, you will evolve as you should.

True satisfaction and happiness can only be achieved when you sow the seeds of authentic leadership expression in your life. However, it isn't easy to be yourself and express the inner you openly to the world. It is risky, and it takes courage, but no doubt you can do it if you choose.

Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is